Aqua and Fu Hua: How to make the most tragic characters

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When it comes to tragic characters in any form of media be it comic books, cartoons, anime, manga, books, video games, movies, and TV shows there are a lot of many examples of characters who have tragic circumstances in their lives but in my opinion two of the best examples of tragic characters are Aqua and Fu Hua.

When it comes to tragic characters in any form of media be it comic books, cartoons, anime, manga, books, video games, movies, and TV shows there are a lot of many examples of characters who have tragic circumstances in their lives but in my opini...

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Ever since I had the two fight each other on Mario, Sonic, Mega Man DEATH BATTLE Season 6 aka the Final Season this comparison has stuck out to me as other than both of them being the best girls of their verse they have a lot of similarities. Both of them started off as normal teenage girls, they both have blue hair and blue eyes, they're mostly known for wearing mostly blueish colored clothing, both are pretty calm, intelligent, strict, serious, yet also kind hearted and caring towards others but most importantly they're are the most tragic characters in their respective franchises. For those who might not know Kingdom Hearts and Honkai Impact 3rd have been known to have moments of sadness, sorrow and flat out depression especially when it comes to the characters be it heroes, anti-heroes, or villains all of them whom need serious therapy but out of all those characters Aqua and Fu Hua are the most tragic out of all of them what they went through is so insane they make sufferings of the series main protagonists, Sora and Kiana look like child's play in comparison all these girls have witnessed was nothing but the dark side of the world and they've been through it for years so much so that the only characters that could ever compete with them are the series main villains Xehanort and Kevin. Despite their calm and sense of responsibility all of that will ultimately come back to bite them both in their beautiful asses that quite literally hunts them but they manage to fight through it despite all odds, which is why for today's discussion we're going to be comparing Aqua and Fu Hua and see why they are incredibly tragic they really and by the end of this you will understand why I chose Aqua as an opponent for Fu Hua and not Kakashi Hatake despite me comparing Naruto and Honkai Impact 3rd and you'll understand why that Aqua and Fu Hua are so tragic that they'll need more than just simple therapy but they need to be placed in a mental health hospital. So with that out of the way let's get started.

Life before tragedy

The first point that makes these two characters so very tragic was how it began. Like most characters, Aqua and Fu Hua's tragedy didn't happen right way before that they were just normal girls. Let's start with Aqua. While we don't know much about her backstory based on the information we have so far we know that Aqua became an apprentice to Eraqus alongside Terra and Ventus with their primary goal of becoming Keyblade Masters as they trained together in the Land of Departure. Despite her serious and calm personality, Aqua acts as sort of a sister and mother figure to both Terra and Ven as stated in the Birth by Sleep novel that Aqua did enjoy cooking for her friends and master after training, they all pretty much bonded like family even though it was implied Aqua has a crush on Terra but that would not last long, during the Mark of Mastery exam Aqua was the only one to become a Keyblade Master as Ven was still learning, Terra came close but he couldn't control the darkness in his heart and as such he failed much to Aqua's concern. When given a mission to stopped the Unversed, Aqua was tasked to watch over Terra however when Ven left to chase after Terra, Aqua was then ordered by Eraqus and bring him back. Aqua has always been more than willing to look out for her friends but now as a Keyblade Master she is ordered to do so while that might seem simple on paper given Aqua's personality as we all know this would ultimately lead to dire consequences later on but we'll get into that later. Next up we have Fu Hua. When she was young Fu Hua lived her entire life studying martial arts this was all because her father owned a dojo so it makes sense why she's always so dedicated into training martial arts and likely wants to take over the dojo one day. Unfortunately life goes on and eventually her father decided to sell the dojo to someone who intends on to turn it into a restaurant and her father tells Fu Hua to go to school, make some friends, forget about the dojo, and actually go out and live her life. When Fu Hua got to school she was outcast and became a target of bullying from her classmates due to the way she looks and her hobby of training though Fu Hua could careless as she didn't plan on making friends anyways, that wasn't until one night when she saved a girl's life from a zombie attack it was after this moment that Fu Hua made her first friend and it was then onwards that Fu Hua finally decided to take her father's advice, unfortunately before she could even come up with a future for herself, the Honkai arrived on Earth and caused total annihilation and in the process she lost her friends and family. Fu Hua was alone until she was found by HIMEKO (Not to be confused with Murata Himeko) and she saved Fu Hua by lending out a hand and bringing her to the Fire Moth where should would have a goal to destroy the Honkai no matter the cost but as we all know things only got harder from here. When we look at the beginning it's clear that Aqua and Fu Hua were just ordinary girls who want to lead a happy life like any normal teenager but they also have goals that they wanted to achieve and while that might seem easy on paper as their stories go on though that would turn out to be a lot more difficult than they expected as we will soon see.

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