Rant: Honkai Star Rail battle system sucks

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So when playing Honkai Star Rail I actually thought that the story of the game was fine despite my issues with it especially when compared to Honkai Impact 3rd but one of my biggest complaints about the series is the battle system. I know I said that it lacks fast past but anther complaint I had with this is due to the fact that the fights get hard for literally no reason. And when I mean by hard is that the difficulty spike is drastically increased and it just makes the fights especially the boss fights so frustrating to the point where it makes me want to quit the game so for today's rant I'm going to tell you my thoughts on the battle system and why it sucks so without further ado let's get started.

One of my biggest complaints about this game's battle is that leveling up is never rewarding. Unlike in Honkai and Genshin where the battle system are just simple fights with some mashing, Star Rail is a turned based RPG so naturally it's one of those games where you attack first and then the enemy attacks next. That's all fine and good but the problem is how it's handled. So you see as the game goes on you're going to face tougher enemies and you will lose immediately if you and your team is drastically under leveled especially against boss fights so when you see a boss that's at a higher level than you the most obviously option is to level up your characters to reach to the same or higher level against the enemies you're fighting as that's the only way to beat them up which is normal for a typical RPG game but in Star Rail that's clearly easier said than done because even when you do gain EXP and level up your characters that doesn't feel any rewarding to tell you what I mean by that is that one time I saw some level 50 opponents that were tough to beat so I decided to grind EXP and level up my characters but by the time I returned and reached level 60 all of the enemies all of the sudden are level 60 as well which means that as a result I literally achieved absolutely nothing because my hard work was all thrown to waste and I still get my ass beat which is infuriating. If I compare my experience with other RPG games like with Mario & Luigi games and the Paper Mario games those experiences are drastically different. In both series I am faced with a lot tougher opponents who have a higher level than me I naturally want to grind EXP to level up my characters so by the time I reach what I think is the highest level when I face my enemy in battle, the fight is a lot more smoother and it shows that my hard work didn't go to waste and grinding actually feels rewarding.

The Mario RPG games are perfect examples on how to handle battle systems like this right because the only time an enemy or boss should have extreme difficulty if they are at a much higher level than you are currently at right now. Now I know somebody's going to save "Oh but you should level up your Light Cones or Relcs" and the thing is I did that yet I still got my ass beat, this is why I enjoyed Honkai's battle system more because even though I am face a much harder boss because my characters are at least around the same level as them it still feels very rewarding to know that my hard work for leveling up characters has payed off and makes the fights actually enjoyable.

Now I'm not saying I want easy boss fights I think hard bosses are perfect to give the players some challenges but if you increase the difficulty way too high, that's where the problem is. Just as hoe a game can be boring if it's way too easy a game can also be completely frustrating if it's way too hard and Star Rail completely dropped the ball in that aspect.

But anyways guys that's going to be it for today thank you guys so much for reading and I will see you all next time. Peace.

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