Which one do you want babysitting your child?

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Alright guys so I asked you all between these anime and video game characters which one are you guys babysitting your child. So for today's discussion I'm going to give you guys my answer so without further ado let's get started.

To start things off get All For One the Hell away from my children there is no way I'm letting this guy anywhere near my children

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To start things off get All For One the Hell away from my children there is no way I'm letting this guy anywhere near my children. You would to be a complete piece of shit of a human being to let this guy babysit your children. Because by the time you get back home All For One would've either manipulated them into becoming villains like with Shigaraki or worse he turns them into a Nomu.

The next person to be out of here is Aizen. This dude spent centuries performing inhumane experiments on his co-workers and placed them under a hypnosis for over 100 years. Is this the type of person you want near your child?

As much as I love Madara I don't want him to be anywhere near my child. In case you guys have forgotten on how he handles children, Madara basically spied on a naïve innocent 13 year old boy, attempted to manipulate said boy but when that didn't work he forced the boy to watch his best friend kill the girl her loves which was so traumatizing that said boy agreed to join the dark side, inherent Madara's name and become anime's Darth Vader, then he forcefully implanted his Rinnegan eyes to another just so he and the 13 year old boy can use him later on and start a world war with said boys when they grow up. Based on this recap this should tell you how Madara handles kids. So anyone thing about choosing him just know that by the time you get back neither he or your children are going to be there, and then when you watch the news you will find out that Madara convinced your children to start a world war.

Hisoka is another person I don't want near my child. We all know the one thing he values is strength and a good fight so unless my children can fish up big fish, throw a grown man to the side with one arm, or rip out a piece of the ground then I guess Hisoka is a fine pick but if my children can't do any of those then it's best to back off.

I'm also not letting my child near Dr. Wily either, I mean what else is there to say I mean unless if I want my children to destroy Mega Man so badly (which I don't) I ain't taking chances with Wily especially that annoying capsule sound effects.

Please don't let my children anywhere near Master Xehanort. PLEASE. Because the last thing I need to see or know is when I get back my children had dark doppelgängers called Nobodies, or worse they become one of Xehanort's vessels.

Now Eggman might be an interesting based on his interactions with Sage in Sonic Frontiers but I think he only has a soft spot for Sage and not the rest of his creations so I don't really caring about my children.

As for Kevin Kaslana, eh I don't know about him I mean despite his status as a hero bro literally manipulated vulnerable people like Mei to the dark side so if you ask me that is an immediate red flag.

I think Bowser might be good with children however the reason why that's the case is because he has a soft spot for his son Bowser Jr and not even the Koopalings got that same treatment so I don't think he'd really care about my kids.

Which means my ultimate choice is Kafka. I think it makes sense because she goes out of her way to check on the Trailblazer to see of they're okay and she truly does care about them. Not only that but she acts like a caring mother for the rest of the Stelleron Hunters like Blade, Silver Wolf, and Sam, as long as she keeps her Spirit Whisper on my children at all times if they either misbehave or as a means to protect them I'm cool with that so if I had to choose a villain to babysit my children then I'm sure they will be safe in Kafka's care.

But that's going to be it for today thank you guys so much for reading let me know in the comments below what are your thoughts and I will see you all next time. Peace.

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