Why Street tiers are not as strong as you think

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When it comes to scaling characters the only types of characters I can think of that are the most complicated to scale are street tier characters. These characters are always the types of characters I can never wrap my head around. On one hand they have some pretty impressive feats of AP and speed, but on the other hand there are many inconsistencies surrounding their feats as most of the time they couldn't before those feats at all because they couldn't even perform less feats. Now to be clear when I mean be street tiers I don't mean they are LITERALLY street tier like they can only destroy a street, no street tiers are types of people that have the AP of reaching city block, town, mountain, island, country, and continental levels of raw power and can reach speeds to supersonic, hypersonic, relativistic, and FTL possibly MFTL depending on the situation what I mean is that when compared to cosmic tier characters who can reach moon, planet, star, solar system, galaxy, universal, and multiversal and usually reach speeds to FTL, MFTL, and infinite speeds or if you wanna use terms such as hyperversal, outerversal, omniversal, and boundless AP and incalculable, immeasurable, and irrelevant speeds (which I don't cause those terms have destroyed the vs community) there is a massive difference when it comes to consistency as cosmic tier characters have always remained consistent when it comes to their feats and good reason they get stronger as their stories go on, they have their feats to back them up, and they also have hax abilities that supports their fears for 90% of the time cosmic tier characters have always remained constant when it comes to their feats and scaling that are almost never questioned the same cannot be said street tiers. They don't have the same type consistency as cosmic tier yet despite that people still insist that street tiers are as strong as they say there are and while I will agree that street tiers should not be underestimated but at the same time we shouldn't massively high ball them to oblivion nor should we put them in the same level as cosmic tiers because putting street tiers in the same category as cosmic tiers is like putting toy cars in the same category as armored tanks. Which is why in today's newest discussion we're going to be looking at why street tiers are not as strong as people say they are and why ww shouldn't ignore the inconsistencies just to push a narrative so without further ado let's get started.

Some of the many misconceptions I heard in regards to street tiers is because they've beaten and caught foes far stronger and faster than them in the past that means they don't need any scaling or any physical feats or hax abilities to back up their achievements but the fact of the matter is that's simply not true and I'm going to explain to you guys why. So first off the fact that you don't need scaling or feats to back up your defeating of stronger enemies is flat out a lie because if that was the case then according to that logic that means Goku doesn't need feats or scaling to back up defeating Jiren. It's always important to have feats and scaling to back up any accomplishments so when I hear things such as Spider-Man defeats Hulk and Juggernaut cosmic beings who can reach multiversal levels of power without any feats or scaling to back this I question this because Spider-Man has lost to much less opponents before in the past: Captain America, Black Panther, Shang-Chi, Deadpool, and etc. and while you can argue that Spider-Man has also taken Ws against them, the fact that he also takes Ls against them as well is more than enough to know that those Ls don't justify his win against Hulk and Juggernaut. Another thing we have to factor is the fact that weather or not Hulk and Juggernaut were fighting Spider-Man at their full power because last I checked Spider-Man hasn't taken a W against Worldbreaker Hulk or Immortal Hulk as in both of those stats Hulk can destroy entire universes and even battle beings who are multiversal. That's ignoring the fact that base Hulk is already at that same level of power currently especially with Ws against the likes of Thor and Sentry and even Juggernaut also has several multiversal feats of his own as well. Let's not mention both have kept up with foes as fast as Silver Surfer so the only logical explanation as to why Spider-Man beat them is because they were holding back which means that if Hulk and Juggernaut actually went all out in a real brawl and used their strongest forms and used their full power and not held back, Spider-Man would've gotten all those webs he usually shoots out shoved right up back into his ass so unless Peter has some feats of scaling of his own then him beating Hulk and Juggernaut is inconsistent because it's not like that's Cosmic Spider-Man where at that point he has some of the physical stats that would've backed him up no this is base for Spider-Man whose only real abilities are to shoot webs, climb walls, and sense danger. I'm not saying it's completely impossible for street tiers to back up their achievements with feats in fact Iron Man is proof that you can but the reason why it made sense for Iron Man is because he has dozens of armored suits specifically designed to beat godlike beings like Thor and Hulk, this is why you see Tony taking Ws whenever he uses his godlike tech strong enough to take on Celestials because that's what backs up his victories.

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