Why I do think Sarada won't be blind

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So I just saw this video made by Naruto Explained talking about what kind of power ups Sarada needs the reason for this is because he is talking about the big elephant in the room which is the debate that Sarada would go blind after using her Mangekyo Sharingan and he's addressing the possibilities of how she could get the Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan albeit even he is not a fan off nonetheless he did address them as possibilities. While I can probably understand why he and many others might be concerned for Sarada's blindness I actually disagree with this, I think based on the theme that was set up in Boruto I strongly believe that Sarada won't go blind and I'm going to be explaining that as well as why I disagree with Naruto Explained. Now this is not me hating on the guy in fact I actually like his content I'm just explaining why I disagree with his take so without further ado let's get started.

If you haven't watched the video already make sure you do because it's really important for this explanation.

So the one he mentions is the real possibility of Sarada going blind which to be fair is a real possibility, however I think there is also the possibility that she doesn't go blind because I think Sarada already has an Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan. Now I already did a chapter discussing this theory which you can find in the table of contents I will take some important notes from that chapter and bring them my theory basically says that Sarada's MS doesn't have the weakness of blindness which is why she had she basically already has the EMS this was all because when she awakened her MS it is not in the same way most Uchiha did like Sasuke, Itachi, Obito, and Madara did where in those instances they've awakened their MS out of circumstances that involve tragedy and it forced them do a dark path while you might argue that when Sarada learned that Naruto was supposedly dead and she broke down in tears that's a traumatic experience but I would argue that it's child's play especially when you compare that to Sasuke learning the truth about Itachi, Itachi watching Shisui commit suicide thanks to Danzo, Obito witnessing Kakashi accidentally kill Rin, and Madara watching all of his brothers die in front of him and in those instances it led to each Uchiha going down a dark path, sure Itachi wasn't evil but the circumstances of his life forced him down this dark path. Sarada is different because when she pleaded to her father that Boruto was innocent in Chapter 80 that wasn't out of traumatic experiences but it was out of live for her father and it was out of hope for Boruto's safety which is a huge difference between Sarada and her fellow clan members because unlike her, they have pretty much all but given up which led them becoming as depressed as we know them to be and Sarada after awakening her MS did not go down a dark path instead she remained on the path of light. I think this was done on purpose by Kishimoto to show how different Sarada is from the rest of the Uchiha and why it adds to my theory on why I don't think she'll be blind. When we take a look at Chapter 386 in the original Naruto series when Sasuke was fighting Itachi we see a 4 eyed demon behind Itachi.

Noticed how the demon has only 2 eyes and is missing another 2 eyes and notice how in the next panel we see the same demon behind Madara have all 4 eyes?

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Noticed how the demon has only 2 eyes and is missing another 2 eyes and notice how in the next panel we see the same demon behind Madara have all 4 eyes?

Yeah this was done on purpose by Kishimoto because it symbolizes that the Uchiha clan are demons because once they use up their MS they go blind and have to have spare eyes from close relatives to recover from blindness

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Yeah this was done on purpose by Kishimoto because it symbolizes that the Uchiha clan are demons because once they use up their MS they go blind and have to have spare eyes from close relatives to recover from blindness. This demon means is that the Uchiha with MS don't truly have light in their eyes unless they have some spare eyes because without them they see literally nothing but darkness which means they are blind, a demon can symbolize many things evil, darkness, hatred, etc but nonetheless they symbolize negative emotions. When Tobirama says that the Uchiha are a clan possessed by evil he isn't exactly wrong as they are literally 4 eyed demons who needed an extra par of eyes before they are complete. The reason why Sarada's MS is different from the others is because she doesn't need a spare set of eyes to obtain eternal light because Sarada already has it right from the start as such Sarada would not represent of a demon, an angel because most angels weather it'd be from the Bible, or any fictional storytelling that likely got inspiration from the Bible, angels are generally shown with just 2 eyes not 4 unlike most demons. And like the demon shown behind Itachi the angel's eyes could symbolize Sarada's eyes which is a way of telling us that Sarada doesn't have to worry about losing the light in her eyes which is drastically different from the rest of her clansmen and I think it actually makes sense from a narrative perspective because it shows how much the Uchiha's Curse of Hatred has truly ended.

Now onto some several on how she gets them, I agree that Sarada getting the 100 Healings Seal is unlikely because she hasn't been shown to have the same level of chakra control as her mother Sakura but the true issue I have is Sarada going blind and how she gets EMS if she does go blind like Sasuke, Itachi, Obito, and Madara having Sasuke's clone Hidari have a Sharingan while I don't think it's not a possibility I have an issue with this because if Hidari is made just to give Sarada a power up that's a clear issue and definitely think is bad writing especially since Sarada is built up to be a much more different Uchiha since she was born during a time where the Uchiha clan's Curse of Hatred had ended and another thing I have is that he mentions the possibility if Sarada having a Rinnegan as another power boost is honesty.... I hope that doesn't happen because it's completely unnecessary we already have like 3 Uchiha who have been shown to take possession of the Rinnegan we don't need another. I think it would make narrative sense that Sarada doesn't go blind because not only would it make sense as I explained ability but having Sarada go blind or show signs of going blind or having to rely on a power up like Hashirama cells or the Rinnegan completely ruins Sarada's character and all the previous build up as it would mean that Sarada would be no different from Sasuke, Itachi, Obito, and Madara and for me it would show that the Uchiha's Curse of Hated never truly came to an end and it would be bad writing as a result of this. In order for Sarada's character to progress her MS has to not make her blind, and not needing a spare of eyes especially since there isn't any spare, or she needs other power ups like the Rinnegan or the 100 Healings jutsu I know some people are going to say that Sarada not being blind breaks the rules what was already established but I don't think there is any problems of adding new rules in the story as long as it's done right and actually makes sense we don't want to have too many inconsistencies like with Beerus being stronger than Black Frieza, or MUI Goku somehow stronger than the Saiyan verison of Ul or any other inconsistencies like in Dragon Ball Super. Not to mention this would definitely be a perfect way for Sarada to surpass her father not just power wise.

But anyways guys that's all for today let me know what your thoughts are in the comments below and I will see you all next time. Peace.

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