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(TW- Homelessness, stealing just eat, asshole merchants and knights, creepy lady, talks of human trafficking, Attempted murder)

Virgil stood there leaning against the brick just staring at the people who passed by. He sighed as he dusted his dirt-covered hands over his disheveled worn-out shirt. The people passed about their day oblivious to the scraggly figure that didn't fit into his clothes. He pushed his black beanie down over his oily rust-colored hair. What he wouldn't give to have a few bucks just for some soap. He knew he needed to wash the few clothes he had... not to mention himself. He honestly had forgotten just what color his hair was under all that dirt and grime.

Virgil just blinked before pulling his tattered backpack that he's had for years now over his shoulder, carefully pushing himself into the crowd. People went out of their way to avoid touching him, even if it was subconsciously but no one wanted to come into contact with someone such as him. Dirty, ripped-up clothes barely hanging on by a thread... red puffed eyes that held so much shadow under them from bags he looked as if he smugged coal under his eyes. Honestly, Virgil might as well have with the amount of dirt he had covering him. Virgil kept to himself, just holding his bag close as he slowly followed the path he took nearly every day, just trying to keep out of everyone's way.

"HEY! GET BACK HERE!" Virgil jumped, panic in his blood, as he suddenly froze watching this young boy being chased by a baker. Virgil's eyes narrowed as he tried to get a good look at the boy, thinking he might have looked a bit familiar but... with all the moving it was hard to actually tell. Virgil's face fell as his own stomach growled making him grimace at the hunger pains. He carefully snuck himself over to the bakery keeping an eye out as the baker chased the kid about. He managed to grab a loaf just as he heard the child cry out and he wasted no time running away. "THIEVES, THE LOT OF YOU!" Virgil looked behind him to see that he had been spotted before climbing up a tree and throwing himself over the wall before he could be caught. "DAMN IT!"

Virgil swallowed his panic as he broke a small piece of the bread off quickly pulling his bag off and grabbing the cleanest cloth he had to wrap it in. Virgil held the rest close as he silently made his way through all the nooks and crannies before managing to find the boy from earlier. He knew he recognized him.

He took a step closer making the boy jump and cry out in pain. Virgil's eyes flashed with concern as the boy just stared at him before finally calming down once he got a good look at him.

"Virgil?" Virgil looked around quickly just making sure they were ok before running to the boy to look him over. "Hey. Hey... Stop. I just got caught is all." Virgil frowned as Matt swatted his hands about, noticing just how shakey the boy was. Virgil sighed as he picked up the bread he had accidentally dropped, hating how dirt had now covered the bottom of it. Virgil tried to dust it off before handing it over making Matt give the older a confused look. "Wait... how..." Virgil just smiled as he held it out as Matt took it with a laugh. "Of course you did. Thank's Virge." Virgil nodded before looking over at the street with a worried gleam in his eyes. Virgil gestured for the boy to go back the way Virgil had come as he started to go towards the street. Matt didn't bother to say anything more as he stumbled his way further into the ally.

Virgil clutched his bag tightly as he looked out towards the street spotting the guards instantly with this horror in his eyes. The baker was out there frantically gesturing about before suddenly meeting his gaze and yelling out. Virgil paled as he took off hearing the shout from the officers as they ran after him. Virgil could feel his heart hammering in his chest.

He crossed the road, avoiding the buggies and horses, as he jumped up over the wooden fencing. His feet slapped against the unforgiving gravel as he ignored the burning in his lungs. The yelling and cries never stopped as he pushed himself up into a tree before balancing on a barrier. He just had to get to the woods outside of the city.

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