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(Trigger warning- bullying, Panic attack... like... EXTREME panic)

Roman sat there on the edge of his bed staring at nothing as he just blinked. His mind had been in a bit of a daze since he was finally allowed out of the infirmary. It wasn't as bad. At least the world stopped spinning all the time. Although he still got dizzy spells.

There was one that happened at the worst time. He and Virgil had been walking, going over a new schedule plan when this bright light seemed to flash in Roman's eyes. The world spun out instantly and the next thing Roman knew he was on the ground with a terrified human trying to get his attention. The disorientation was horrible but he managed to help calm Virgil down enough to be able to just breathe and figure out what happened.

That's how Virgil even found out Roman had had a concussion in the first place. The last thing Roman wanted was to worry his human but there was nothing he could do about it now. The symptoms seem to be lasting longer than they should be which was concerning but... He was already much better and that was what mattered.

Roman sighed as he carefully picked himself up off the bed to at least get moving. He had given Virgil the last week from having to deal with him, as Roman wasn't supposed to be doing much anyway. The prince made his way into the bathroom, turning the faucet on, and just melting into the sound of falling water.

His gaze met his reflection and he couldn't help but zone out. He had been doing that a lot lately. Just... falling into his thoughts. He could still feel that electricity through his fingers. He was surprised that no one else could feel it whenever he touched someone. Or if they did, they never complained about any sudden shock. Surely someone would have said something if they did?

Roman frowned as he rubbed his thumb into his palm harshly. He didn't understand it much. Those times when his throat would burn... or his breath would leave him. Hell... every time he so much as catches a glimpse of his precious human his entire body suddenly feels a bit weightless.

Roman knew that none of that was usually caused by a concussion. But then again, what else could be the cause? It had to be some sort of a brain injury thing. After all, what else would explain the sparks Roman felt whenever Virgil touched him, which was rare enough as it was?

Roman shook himself out of his thoughts as he quickly splashed water on his face. It wasn't like any of it really mattered much. His injury would heal and he would be back to full health in no time.

"Alright." Roman smiled as he straightened out his clothes. "Now to just... figure out something to do." Roman laughed at himself as he left his room. There wasn't much he could do. Patton and Logan both gave him strict orders to not do anything that was mentally taxing or required too much thought and or concentration. That left very little for Roman to do other than just sit or walk the gardens. He'd read but Logan even warned against that and he was NOT about to ask someone to read to him. He was not a child.

"Pathetic human." Roman froze stiff, hearing the taunting voice that hissed through the door. "Honestly... Just give up." Roman frowned as he slowly peeked through the crack, using his glamour to shield him from view. Roman could see a few of his staff just standing there as Virgil tried to clean off the counter.

"Hello? Can you hear me?" This one woman grabbed the cloth right out of Virgil's hand making the human whimper. Roman had to bite his tongue not to yell out. "What? Not going to say anything?" Roman's eyes flashed brightly as this fire coiled in his gut. He clenched his fists as laughter rang out in the room.

"Pathetic... just... What the hell does he see in you? You can't do anything right can you?" Virgil flinched as he stumbled back just to avoid the woman who was going to push him out of the way. "Why don't you go do something actually useful, instead of wasting everyone's time?" Roman couldn't breathe. The fire built up into him until his lungs didn't seem to work. His skin was burning, as he dug his nails into his palm clenching his fists so tight they ached. "Oh my god." More laughter rang out and Roman's jaw tightened. Something was wrong with him... he knew that. This... this... honestly it just felt like fire... Like literal flames were burning through him so much. He didn't know what he wanted to do but with the thoughts running through his head... he knew it was violent.

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