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There was a part of Roman that didn't want to wake up. He felt content, happily blissed out, and full from all the love and desire he had fed on the night before. His body swirled with this emotion, making him feel far more relaxed than he had for a long while. He was exhausted but at the same time... He's never had more energy. 

Roman hummed as he curled protectively around that oh-so-familiar chill, feeling the soft whisps of love fluttering about in the air only drawing him further in. He was happy to notice that he had remembered quite a bit of what had happened the night prior as Virgil had made sure to pull his mind back if he started to lose it too much. 

He could still remember the sounds... the touch... How Virgil would whisper out his name. But most of all, he could remember the emotions, and he knew what this meant. There was nothing he could do to change it and he didn't want to. He belonged solely to his little poppet and he couldn't have been happier. 

His Poppet was his and he was his Poppet's... that was a trust and care he never thought he would ever have. Belonging solely to another; giving your entire being to them and trusting that they won't break you... For Roman that was an impossibility he never even tried to dream of. Not since... not since 'Him'.

Roman blinked his eyes open, melting completely over the sight of Virgil fast asleep in his arms. His eyes trailed the many marks, cuts, and bruises that covered his human with a heavy heart. He didn't like that humans were so fragile. But even with all that in his heart, he couldn't help but remember the passion... the bliss. The way Poppet's breath hitched, or the way Roman pulled the softest of sounds from his lips.  He might hate how easy it is to hurt his human, but there was no mistaking what each mark meant. They were not signs of pain but of the very opposite. And Roman was sure that if he tried to apologize, his human would never forgive him.

He sighed as he nuzzled his nose against the other's shoulder, pressing a soft kiss into Virgil's icy skin, as he healed everything so that he wasn't in pain when he woke up. Virgil just purred as he rolled over and clutched closely to Roman's chest. Roman couldn't help himself as trailed little kisses up Virgil's throat, nibbling gently and making his poppet shiver. 

"Prince..." Roman's heart melted, hearing Virgil whisper softly to him, making his chest burst with this light of joy. Roman rumbled with a sort of growling purr as he clung to Virgil tighter, who just smiled. "My prince." Virgil whispered again making this spark shoot down Roman's spine.

"Yours." Roman growled, lips ghosting Virgil's skin, before forcing himself to calm down. He swallowed up the rising desire before just smiling up at Virgil who was still just nestled against him. "Good morning, Amado." Virgil giggled as Roman gently brushed his hair back, noticing just how black it had gotten. Virgil's hair at this point was as an ebony black to the shiniest of silver at the tips. So much has changed since Virgil had first gotten there but... Roman only ever saw his precious poppet... his future Winter prince. "We have to get up." Virgil whined as he tried to cling to Roman tighter, making the prince laugh over how adorable he was being. "Come on, Amado. We have to. I have to inform Logan and Patton of what transpired."

"No." Virgil growled as he snuggled up as far as he could, feeling Roman's warm breath against his skin.

"Mi Querido... Por favor?" Virgil shook his head, having learned enough to know that 'por favor' meant 'please'. Roman's eyes narrowed as he smirked a bit in thought. "My sweet..." Virgil shivered as Roman let his hand drag down the smaller back. "I really must insist. There's a lot we must do."

"Prince." Virgil whispered like a song, making Roman's breath hitch. Warmth bloomed in the fae's chest pulling at him and making him relax back into the bed.

"Poppet..." Roman whispered, fingers twitching against Virgil's skin, making the younger pull back just enough to see the Older's expression. Virgil couldn't quite understand the look in his Prince's eyes, but he didn't need to to see the blackened veins slowly spreading down his temples. "Poppet... My Poppet... Mine."

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