Virgil laid there in bed just staring off into the dusted-ridden air. He didn't know how long he had been just wasting away in his room for. He knew he woke up earlier than he should have as the castle was eerily quiet and hollow feeling. Yet even having woken up so early, he couldn't get himself to go back to sleep. He didn't know if it was because of the icy chill that clawed deep into his bones even through the ratted and coarse blanket. Or if it was the burn in his lungs from breathing in such thick stale air. He felt his body shiver under the endless chill that only grew as time went on. He had this pressure in his head... a constant pain right in the center of his skull that just would not go away.

He knew he had to get up. He could already hear how people were passing by his room. He knew if he didn't get up to do his job, Roman would only reprimand him, and he did not want to find out what kind of punishment he would end up giving him.

He groaned in pain as he forced himself to sit up, pressing a hand to his temple to calm the spinning room. He was already panting from the effort of just that little movement. His heart was racing and his body felt weak. He couldn't tell if he felt hot or not just that he couldn't stop shivering... Then again he always shivered as his room was always so cold.

He forced himself to his feet, blinking away the vertigo, as he walked out the door. If he gave himself the chance to stop, he knew he would have ended up dropping. He didn't have to do much today as the prince was taking a break of his own, which meant the office was still cleaned from the days prior and one of the elder servants was talking over everything since she was the one responsible for his care. Still, he had a few things he still needed to do such as his tasks in the garden. He was hoping the fresh air would help to clear away the must and dust from his bedroom.

The second he got outside he had to shield his eyes from the blinding light. It sent his mind spinning as he was forced to lean against the door just to keep from falling. He had to focus on his breathing, ignoring the burn, as he took as deep a breath as his body would allow him before straightening his poster and continuing on despite the worsening headache. His nose was even hurting at this point as the pressure from his forehead had moved down his nose and under his eyes making his already dark eye bags look even more puffed up and pronounced, not that Virgil could tell.

He sat down on the bench the second he could, ignorant of the person just a few steps beside him. Everything was dizzy and weak anyway. It was hard to focus on anything. He just sat there, eyes closed as he panted, trying to work out how he was going to do his tasks so that he could go to sleep again. He knew he should have just gone to see Patton but he didn't want to cause any more trouble for anyone let alone the one fae who had tried to help him.

He whimpered quietly as he pressed his head into his hands, only subconsciously hearing the sound of someone beside him. He didn't care about that. He just had to get up and get working. The sooner everything was done... the sooner he can rest. Virgil choked on a breath before forcing himself up only to stagger from the vertigo making his vision go black a bit. He found himself in someone's arms, having caught him before he could fall, and he just groaned. He pushed himself out of their hold, not wanting to inconvenience them any as he struggled just to swallow. His dazed and blurred eyes glanced around before shaking his spinning head and following the garden path to where he had to be.

"Hey!" Virgil hesitated, hearing a voice following after him, only confusing him more. No one is usually out here, besides Patton and himself. The other staff are always working, far too busy to even walk the gardens at all. But... It was too early for Patton to be out here and his brain was too muddled to figure out who the voice was. Virgil just assumed they must not have been calling for him. He shook his head again as he started for his spot, lighting up a bit as he saw his favorite flowers. "What are you..." The voice called again before it just stopped and Virgil glanced over to see a figure just standing there. "Oh... Are you tending the garden?" So they were talking to him then. Virgil nodded only to wince and hold his head with a sigh.

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