Chapter 12

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Half past eight in the evening.
Not far from the vending machine where Hachiman met the Horikita siblings yesterday, at the railing of the silent artificial lake, a boy sighed softly.
Because he had more time at night, so he deliberately took a shower before coming out.

It's just that he really need to make some preparations.
And this boy is Hikigaya Hachiman.

Working himself. To be precise, to get more points.

He was assigned to Class D from the beginning, and there was basically no hope of earning points by class, so it was best to go solo.

However, he also confirmed that part-time jobs were not allowed in shopping malls, which seemed like ordinary high school students.

No extra living expenses options. So, he can only start from other ways.
It was relatively simple for him here.

When he entered school, he made a deal with his class teacher, Chabashira-sensei, in which Hachiman would get 200,000 points as a reward for helping to investigate a student's file.

Points can be spent directly as money in school, and they will recycle them into cash when students graduate, which is very generous.

It stands to reason that this is a good thing. But from Horikita Manabu, he got bad information.
Now he suspects that Chabashira-sensei has greater ambitions.
So, Hachiman hope to increase the price accordingly.
That's why he was making an appointment with Teacher Chabashira, and the agreed time this time was to meet at nine o'clock.
He arrived at the scene early.
But instead of trying to act like a gentleman, he has to make some preparations.

For example, get some information about Chabashira-sensei.
And the first thing to get is...the other party's salary.
The other party did not reply to this point before, but directly revealed the huge sum of 6.02 million.
Then, he took out the point card.
Hachiman swiped the two cards Chabashira gave him, both had a limit of 200,000.

Children and old people are not deceived.

Appears to be wealthy. But he still have to ask.

Generally speaking, if he wants to obtain information, there is an option of trading with points.

This is the most direct way. For example, Class A, where Sakayanagi is located, directly obtained the essence of the school from the class teacher at a high price of 2 million.

As long as your pocket is warm, there is nothing that cannot be sold.
For example, being assigned to Class D at the beginning is not hopeless, because you can collect 20 million points and fly directly to Class A.

Certainly. But Hachiman does not have such big ambitions, 20 million, which for ordinary people would take several years of work, and if the salary is low, it may even be a job share for ten years without food or water.

'So, Isn't it a good thing to mortgage 10 years of work?' Hachiman chose to take the money.
After all, this is relatively straightforward, because even if you are promoted to Class A and go to the university you want, will you definitely be able to find a job after graduating from university?

Does the salary have to be good? Hard to say.

Instead of choosing to enter a higher school, you choose to get a letter of recommendation from the school and go directly to the unit you want.

But what if you encounter economic problems or poor performance and are laid off?

These are risks. Therefore, compared to the unexpected future, the cash Hachiman chose was more practical.

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