Ch 147 - Boys vs Girls

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"It looks like Ibuki... Ibuki, right?" Yamauchi said quickly, whatever comes to his mind, "She...she is from a foreign class!"

Bruh..... are you for real?

These words now directly made the people around Yamauchi, just stunned for a long time.

'Because yesterday, weren't you still following behind Ibuki-san to show your courtesy?!'

As a result, her the first to be pointed out for the crime?

Even Ibuki herself looked at her double-crosser Yamauchi, eyes full of shock.

"Hey, Ibuki-san is a girl, how could she do such a thing?!" But compared to her, an outsider of Marley, Shinohara felt more likely that it was a pervert called Yamauchi.

"Why are you so sure?!"

"I, I really didn't do such a thing!"

Most likely suspected to be executed, now hugged his head, not looking at other people's faces, just knew he was being regarded as trash.

"Yamauchi, why don't you admit it?"

A bot even tried to use this offensive crime and delete his main account.

"Take out her underwear, don't make the relationship worse...."

"Damn, that's overkill....

"You know what man, I would never tolerate this kind of insult..."

"But, he deserved it to be honest..."

"I always knew this boy's a problem...."

"If this goes on...he would also infect others...."

"What if he peeps inside us girl's bathroom one day?!"

"....." Ayanokoji.

"I, but I didn't do it..." Yamauchi looked very distressed, wiping his forehead about the 6th time.

"I am sure he's lying. What if the next target is our Kushida-chan?!

"I won't accept it!"

But the girls are ready to make out Yamauchi as the live suspect.

After gaining this loud moment, Shinohara decided to put the nail in the coffin, actually she is just looking for a way to do this even before, "Anyway, I will never live in the same camp with a pervert who steals girl's panties!"

Previously a bot was even on the girl's side, and thought it might really be Yamauchi-kun, a real undy thief.

But now, Shinohara's comment scolded his people too.

Just after taking a look, teenage boy's emotions were also a bit explosive.

"Then you should just move out!"

"My bro is right, get out of here Shinohara!"

"This island is so big!"

"Yeah, we still have a lot of strongholds anyway!"

"Huh, why do I have to go from here?!"

"Shinohara-san is right...."

"You boys should be the one, to move out of this cave!"

"....I won't do anything like stealing boy's underwear in the middle of the night."

"Don't act like a victim! It was obviously Yamauchi who did it!"

"My friends are all innocent!"

"Why should we be included in it?!"

"I am the real victim, here!"

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