Ch 99 - Kushida's grudge

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“Boss! Boss! it's Horikita-san!!”

“Her water just broke?!”

“Horikita-san's about to give birth, to your first child!”

.....” These scandalous words forced Hachiman to doubt his life, because, the last chapters, he just read only indicated, that Horikita Suzune's just having a fever....but now....

'She's about to give birth to my first child?!'

'When did this happen?' Hachiman didn't even touch her in the slightest!

'I really swear! You must believe me!'

'What about the island exam? Do I have to take responsibility?! Take care of both Horikita and my unborn child....'


“Sorry, I'm late,” Only, when Hachiman tried to explain himself, that he didn't do these scary things, a girl's voice directly cut him off.
Hachiman was very familiar with this voice, so he directly snapped his neck, towards the origin, and saw a girl with long black hair, she was holding the edge of a chair, with her left hand, and then moved towards them....but her footsteps were a little slow.
Horikita was wearing the same red colour sports uniform as everyone else. 'But, I have to say that pretty girls like Horikita look good in whatever clothes they put on....'
Even though, Horikita's figure, looks quite weak, just like a sickly beauty.

But, this girl has a very strong personality.

“......” Hachiman. 'It's not the time, for thinking about Horikita's looks, you idiot!'

'Her water just broke?! How terrible!'
Even though, Horikita's trying her best, to reach towards her baby's father, with all her strength, only Hachiman got panicked, and ran towards this girl, with an extreme worried look on his face, not even realising that Kushida's chuckling wildly inside her heart.

Her plan is working beautifully! She was able to make Hachiman's rationality blow away.

'What an idiot! How could Horikita-san give birth? Didn't you see, that her stomach isn't bulging at all?'

But, Kushida didn't care about Hachiman's emotional breakdown, her mission of causing trouble, has already been pulled off!
"H-Horikita...should I call the ambulance?! Your health really doesn't look good now?!”

“Why didn't you tell me this incredible news before?!”

Several questions were thrown at this girl's head, at a rocket pace, not even allowing her a chance to....

“.....” Suzune, was quite stunned, when she saw this new kind of expression on his face, both worried, and happy at the same time?

“Ambulance? Hachiman, I assure you there's no need for this.”

“But but, but?!”

“I can still hold on...Kushida-san....She must have been talking bad things about me again...”

“Indeed, she was the one, who just told me that your.....”

“??” When Hachiman's gaze slightly looked downwards, he realised, that something is very wrong here, a bad feeling....

“Boss! Boss! it's Horikita-san!!”

“Her water just broke?!”

“Horikita-san's about to give birth, to your first child!”

These were the dialogues, uttered by Kushida, the moment Hachiman entered, almost causing a panic attack, but now.....

'Where is the baby?'

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