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I woke up to darkness. There were no lights and I couldn't move. I could feel nothing but the cold iron table I was lying on. Metal bands around my neck, wrists, and ankles were magnetically attached to the table. There was no way to escape this. My whole body was sore and I felt cold. Goosebumps covered my skin. I groaned in discomfort.

"So she wakes." A mans voice in the darkness said

I jumped in suprise and struggled against my bonds. I heard footsteps coming towards me and my heartbeat spiked in fear. A rough calloused hand stroked the skin of my abdomen and I recoiled from the person's touch. A chuckle echoed in the dark and I hissed into the darkness.

"Oooh feisty. I like that." The man in the dark said, "Whats you're name pet?"

I stayed silent and once again I felt his hand against my skin, but this time on my arm. He stroked me from my shoulder to the iron on my wrist. I bit my tongue and held back the bile in my throat.

"Don't make me hurt you for it." He growled in my ear and I yelped

I stated defiantly into the dark. All of the sudden he gripped my hips and I growled.

"Give me your name or I'll teach you mine." He hissed at me

Ice cold fear shot down my spine and my breath caught in my throat. He wouldn't dare. Even here they had rules against rape.

"I'm a trainer honey we have no rules." He said as if reading my thoughts

I stayed silent and closed my eyes trying to escape in the darkness.

"Fine then." He laughed

I felt the magnetic pull on my legs loosen and he grabbed my thighs.

"Asteria." I whispered

He grip on my legs loosened unil they dropped back down against the table.

"Asteria." He said

My whole being screamed against him saying my name. I stared into the darkness silently hating myself. But I would not be taken. Not fully. I sensed him dissappear and I was once again left alone in the darkness. I pushed back my tears and hardened myslef. I would escape this or I would die trying. I would never be submissive on the world of beasts. Someone else entered the room and I could tell from their footsteps it wasn't the man from before. I heard the snap of a chain and felt the loss of the magnetic hold that held me to the table. I stood up quickly only to be pulled against the concrete ground by a chain around my neck collar. The table was rolled away and I was blinded by lights.

My eyes took a while to adjust and when they did I found that I was surrounded by iron walls with no door or windows.

"Asteria." A familiar voice said

I looked up at the winged man who had captured me. If looks could kill he would be dead a thousand times over by now. I refused to speak to him. I pushed myslef off the floor so I was sitting and attempted to cover myself with my arms. I didn't want this man to see me naked when I had the choice about it.

"What are you?" He asked

I stayed silent still glaring at him. He smiled sweetlty at me and I felt sick.

"Would you like some clothes?" He asked

I didn't reply and continued glaring at him. He came closer to me and I felt a low growl rising in my chest. His hands wrapped around the chain and he tugged me back onto the floor.

"I'll let the trainer come back in to find out." He threatened

I stayed quiet and didn't make any move to get off the floor.

"Asteria tell me or I'll let the trainer do whatever he wants until you break." He growled

I couldn't tell him. I honestly didn't know.

"Last chance Asteria." He warned

"I don't know." I replied

He pulled me back up with the chain and looked me in the eyes. It felt like he could see my soul and he let go of the chain.

"I guess we'll have to find out then won't we?" He laughed

His laugh was too forced to be real and his blue eyes flashed dangerously.

"It'll be fun breaking you." He said " You'll make a pretty lap pet."

I jumped at him and once again the chain pulled me down so I slammed against the concrete floor.

"Go to hell you bastard." I growled

He lifted my chin off the ground and stared into my eyes.

"The names Ajax. But you my dear Asteria will be calling me Master."

I pulled my chin out of his grip and pushed myslef back off the ground.

"Nice to meet you, F@cktard" I growled

He smiled at me darkly.

"This is going to be fun slave." He hissed

We glared at each other in a silent challenge for several seconds before he stood up and walked out of the room through a hidden door in the wall. I knew he did this on purpose and I wasn't going to fall for it by trying to escape that way. I was smarter than that.

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