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When my energy faded Sorin paid off Ajax who seemed to be relieved that I was no longer his problem. He looked weak in comparison to Sorin who reeked with power. The guards took me to an armored car that was filled with five large threatening men and one woman. The men were all different, but each had an air of authority about them. I could only guess they worked for Sorin. The woman was dressed in a black tank top and dark green cargo pants. She had long blonde hair that was tied into a tight ponytail. She wore no makeup and her brown eyes were serious. The men were relaxed around her and she emanated strength. I stepped into the car feeling tired.

"So you're the Amazon. You don't look like much." The woman said

I was too exhausted to reply and I still hang eaten in several days. I collapsed onto the seat and she jumped towards me. Pain spread through my body so fast I couldn't breathe. She grabbed my wrist and my pulse jumped at her touch.

"Elijah her heartbeat is very slow. I'm not feeling much life in her. I'll do what I can, but we need to get her to medical now." She called into a radio

The car jolted forward and she held me from falling off my seat.

"Alexander I need your help." She said

A tall dark haired man moved towards her and she grabbed onto his arm. He flinched but didn't attack her. I was suprised that they allowed this woman to have power over them let alone use her power.

"Sorry Alex. Just a little longer she'll be okay until we get to medical." She said

The man grunted and grit his teeth. I felt my arm get warn under her touch and my whole body relaxed. It was the first time in my life I felt peaceful. The pain I was feeling faded and I sighed. She let go and some pain came pounding back, but I was still high from her touch.

"Don't speak." She said to me

I was too tired to speak anyways. The car stopped and two men jumped out of the car. Another one helped Alexander out and they put him in a wheelchair.

"Where is she?" A voice called out

"Sir she's in here we need to take her to medical." The women answered

Sorin jumped into the car and smiled at the woman.

"Thanks Tess I got this. Go get taken care of." He said

She nodded and I Sorin picked me up in his arms. I flinched and tried to move, but my body wouldn't respond.

"Don't touch me." I croaked

He smiled, "Asteria you are ever stubborn and it's going to get you killed one day."

I opened my mouth the reply but nothing came out. I was too tired and the pain was coming back in waves. He carried me into a building and set me on a strecher. Several people ran up and rolled me away. The poked and prodded at me, but there was nothing I could do to fight them. It was a struggle just to breathe. A man came in and touched my forehead. He closed his eyes and lines appeared on his forehead.

"She's got five broken ribs, a fractured leg, two broken fingers, a punctured lung, she's dehydrated, and is suffering from malnutrition." The man said

He opened his eyes and they faded from purple to brown. My vision started to blur. I needed to get out of here.

"I need three healers, an IV, and a surgeon now!" He ordered

"Is she going to make it?" Sorin asked

"If she's as strong as you suggest then maybe, but she should've died days ago." The man said

Sorin hissed and walked out of the room. More people entered and the put a mask over my face.

"Sleep mam. We're here to help." A woman said

I fought against the drowsiness. I wouldn't let them have me. I didn't want to be a prisoner. Now was the time to escape. They thought I was weak and they wouldn't expect it. The darkness closed in on me and I wanted to scream. In the end it was pain that knocked me out not their medicine.

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