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I sat on a chair with my eyes closed while the girls pulled my hair and painted my face. They were making me "pretty". At this point I was used to this. I had been sitting here for an hour while the girls chattered about different looks and styles. There was an underlying note of nervousness in the presence of Aegeus. I could sense him standing near the doorway of my small room.

Since I had been taken to Sorin's palace I had been upgraded from the tiny closet I had earlier to a small single bedroom. I had no decorations, just a bed, white bedsheets, a lamp, a fan, and a vanity. It was all I needed and all they gave me. My closet was the only thing filled because the women in charge of wardrobe thought they should dress me as a Queen.

"Done!" Natia said

She let go of my hair and I opened my eyes causing Tess to pull away from my face. She frowned.

"Not fair!" Tess said

Natia smirked, "A deal is a deal. First one done gets to pick the outfit."

Tess sighed and I closed my eyes smiling. For a second I felt normal. I tuned out the two girls arguing about clothes and focused on a happier place. A tug in my chest lured me into a memory.

I was on an island. The turqouise waves crashed against the shore and wild horses ran across the white sand. The wind carried the salty air across the beach and the humid air stuck to my skin. Birds called to each other in the treeline on the edge of the beach and it started to rain. I could feel the heartbeat of the island and I smiled. This was my home.

"Asteria." A voice called

I opened my eyes to shiny gold fabric. Tess and Natia were both standing next to me and Tess was holding the dress up.

"Asteria are you listening?" Natia said

I nodded and she handed me the dress, "Aegeus picked this. He says Sorin likes gold. I'd rather put you in blue or silver, but ....... you saw it didn't you?"

"Saw what?" Tess asked

I cleared my throat, "I saw the island."

All three of them looked at me and Tess sat on the vanity table. I stared at Aegeus wondering if I could trust him. I was not used to a man being on my side usually I was either running away from or fighting them. He nodded as if reading my thoughts and walked outside the room. Tess and Natia watched him go before turning back to me.

"I saw it and it's beautiful. I think I can find it now. But we have to get this done first so let's get me ready. The faster we do this the closer we are to escaping" I said

The nodded smiling and I grabbed the dress. The material clung to my skin at the chest and flowed out at my waist. It had a plunging neckline and a long slit up my thigh. It shimmered in the light and flowed as I walked. it was beautiful, but I hated that I had to wear it for Sorin. The girls handed me a gold arm circlet and pulled me in front of a mirror. My eye makeup was catlike and my hair was twisted in braids. I looked like a Queen. The Amazon inside me shined through my eyes so they glowed ivy green.

"This is the beginning of the battle. I'm ready." I said

Aegeus came back in the room and held out his arm for me. The girls gave me nervous smiles and Tess hugged me.

"We are all ready." She whispered

I hugged her tighter and then took Aegeus's arm. We walked out of the room before he stopped.

"I'm ready to fight for you too Asteria. For you, my mother, and my love." He whispered

"I'm believe you. But the others need more time." I said

I could feel the truth in my heart that I could trust him. There was something in him that I recognized. From what I have heard Amazons and horses have a very special connection so maybe that's why I felt I could trust him. We continued walking down the hallways in silence until we got to the throne room.

"Good luck." He whispered

I sighed and let go of his arm. Another guard put a chain on my collar and took me into the throne room. Sorin sat on his throne and stared at me as I walked in.

"You can release her." He ordered

The guard bowed and unhooked my chain. Sorin ordered him to leave and I was left alone with the "King". I could feel his gaze on my skin and I pushed back my disgust. When I dropped into a bow I could feel his confusion.

"My Lord I wish to have an audience with you." I said

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