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Guests were starting to arrive today for the meeting which was 2 days away. As the women entered I went out of my way to meet each one and so far every woman was more than ready to risk her life for freedom. But I didn't count on so many guards to be accompanying them. There was almost an equal amount of guards and women in the castle. We hadn't expected this. All of us had been given jobs to get the castle ready for the meeting. I was currently helping the women prepare the massive amounts of food that had been ordered for the occasion. There were more guards here than anywhere else. Partially because we had access to knives and partially because the guards had become out taste testers. Gina, a dark hair blue eyed older woman was a sand woman. Occasionally she would add some of her magic into the food to practice the dosage it took to make the guards fall asleep. The more they ate our food the more they felt at home and the more information we learned. It was a perfect place to be. When it came time for us to escape we would make sure that everyone at the dinner would have enough of Gina's sand that they would head to bed early and gall into a deep sleep. The Guards would eat after everyone was in bed and the same sand would be given to them. The rest of us would eat around the food that had the sand in it. That would leave only a handful of guards awake while we escaped. It wouldn't be easy, but the more women that came in the more they abilities they would be able to utilize and once those collars were off they would be at full power. Only an army would stop her from getting these women to the island.

The water in the pot was over boiling and Asteria shook herself out of her thoughts. She turned the water down and the door behind her opened. Many of the women froze before bowing as Sorin walked in. He walked up to her and placed his hand over hers stopping her from adding anything to the pot.

"Why don't you take a break and come walk with me?" He asked

She took a deep breath and wiped her hands on the apron she was wearing before facing him. Asteria put on a fake smile and nodded. He put his hand on the small of her back and brought her to the dining room.

"I wanted to assure you that your former Master is not going to be here. I took care of him." He said

Asteria put a look of fake concern on her face and he brushed her hair back.

"I want you to be comfortable here. You're such a prize and you've been so good I almost forget what you are." Sorin said

Asteria opened her mouth to reply but he kissed her. She held back the bile in her throat and let him as she had been doing for a while now. He tugged her hair back exposing her throat and stroked the metal around her neck. She shivered in disgust and he took it as a sign of pleasure. He nuzzle her hair and her skin itched.

"Why are you being so good? Are you planning something?" He whispered

Asteria forced her body to relax and she felt him smile against her neck.

"Or is there something you desire more than your freedom?" He asked

He pulled the straps of her top down and kissed her shoulder. Asteria closed her eyes and fought the howling rage inside her.

"All you have to do is ask." He said, "Look at me."

Asteria kept her eyes closed knowing she couldn't hide her disgust from him if she opened them.

The doors opened and she opened her eyes to see Aegeus walk in followed by another man. Aegeus gave her a look as of asking if she was okay and Asteria gave him a slight nod.

"I'm sorry for barging in my King, but Master Darian insisted that he see you right away." Aegeus said

The man behind him had long bright red hair and cat green eyes. He was tall and lanky, but he moved like a cat. Besides him with a huge smile on her face, was Andy. I reached for a connection with her, but I felt nothing. She was utterly dedicated to her new Master. When she saw me her eyes flashed yellow and I knew I had a problem. If any of the others slipped up and told her what was going on she would tell her Master. But, at the same time I couldn't leave her behind. Shit...

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