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I was sitting in my room that I had been given after a week of being held in the iron room. They had beaten me and threatened me until they thought I was "safe" enough to be transferred into Ajax's household. Here I was to continue my "training" among his other women. After the third day in the room I realized that my best chance of escape was to play along. I answered their questions but I was still in no way submissive.

The room they had given me was the size of a large closet. I had a twin mattress on the floor with white sheets, a metal rack for hanging clothes, a small dresser, and a desk with a chair. There was no window in my room and the only light came from a single bulb in the middle of the ceiling. Ajax had brought me here last night and told me that the better I behave the better my living conditions become. The door locked from the outside and it was the job of one of the other women to let me out and bring me to training. Everything in the room was bolted to the floor. Trust me I tried. There was a knock on the door and I sat up in my bed. The door unlocked and opened to reveal a very thin redhead with bright green eyes. She was accompanied by a large male guard.

"Asteria, my name is Andy and I'm here to help you get settled." The redhead said

I just stared at her as she began rummaging through my dressers drawers. She was wearing very short shorts and a tight tank green tank top. A tattoo of a feather graced her shoulder and her feet were in black sandals. The guard stayed at the entrance to the door glaring at me, but occasionally glancing at Andy with a kind look. Andy came up to me holding a bundle of clothes.

"Come on now we have to go to the dorm to get ready. Normally we just get ready in our rooms and wear whatever we want, but Master Ajax has some important people coming so we have to be inspected." Andy said

I stared at her with slight disgust. She looked happy and excited at the mention of Ajax having guests. She was practically bouncing with energy. She stayed that way for several seconds before sighing and sitting next to me on my bed.

"Listen Asteria it gets better. You'll get use to it. It's just the way things are. Who knows one of the Masters that visit might fall jn love with you. Then you never have to worry about any of this again. You'll be free." She said

I laughed. She was so naive.

"Do you know what freedom is?" I asked her

She shifted uncomfortably. Her eyes lowered and a low growl came from the guard.

"We should go." She said

I felt a little guilty making her feel bad, but she was brainwashed. There was no freedom in the world of beasts unless you were on the run. Running was freedom. Judging by her timid nature I could only guess that she had been raised here. The iron around out necks was proof that we were both now slaves, but I was not like her. I had been on the run all my life. I had been free and I'd do anything to be free again.

I followed her out of the room after the guard had clipped a chain to my iron collar. Andy had assured me that with time this would no longer be necessary. The guard just tugged me along. We entered another large room Andy had called the "Dorm". There were rows of chairs and mirrors with shelves full of makeup. A hair salon station was on every corner and many women lined up to use them there were around 20 women in the room along with about four guards. They women ran around in various stages of dress. The room went silent when Andy came in with me. The women stared at me with varying looks of curiosity and boredom.

"Everyone this is Asteria, the new girl. Meg and Rain can you two help her get ready? You know what he wants." Andy said

Two women approached me and the guard took off the chain from my collar. One woman had big blonde hair and orange eyes. She was wearing a red bikini and her makeup was minimal. She introduced herself as Meg one of the "entertainers". Rain had bright blue hair and matching eyes. She was wearing a plain black cocktail dress that was the uniform for what she called the "servers". They told me that I should find out my job by next week. They pulled me to one of the chairs and began applying makeup to my face. At first I protested but they told me the guard would restrain me if I refused and it would happen anyways. I relented and let myself go as they painted my face.

I was swimming in a small cove on an island that many other women had taken refuge on. I was only ten years old but I knew how lucky we were to be free. My mother had died to help me get here. They had killed her for sending her baby girl away. The warm water was calming and I let myself float. The sky was a bright blue with a few lazy clouds dotting it. I felt my freedom like a second heart beat against my skin. The waves began to pick up and I played in them for hours. The rocks around me hid my laughter from the outside world. Some other women were sitting on the sand chatting. One had a tattoo of a rose on her shoulder. It had been the mark of her owner before she had escaped. Several scars marred her skin from when she had killed her Master to get away. We would be moving on from this island soon, but for now we all relaxed and enjoyed our freedom.

"Asteria." A voice called

I opened my eyes and looked at Meg.

"Time go get dressed." She said

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