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Sorin stood up from his throne and laughed.

"My Lord? Since when have you started calling me that Asteria? What do you want?" He laughed

I stood from my bow and looked him directly in the eyes. I waited for him to tell me to speak. I knew his games and I needed this to go well. Amusement sparkled in his golden eyes. He walked up to me and ran the back of his hand down my arm. I suppressed the urge to flinch away.

"What do you want my lovely little warrior?" He whispered, "I certainly hope it's the same as what I want. Perhaps we could negotiate. What do you say?"

"What is it that you want sir?" I asked

He chuckled and walked behind me. Warning bells sounded in my head and I had to fight every instinct I had so I didn't turn around. He traced my skin from my shoulder to my neck. I couldn't take it anymore. I didn't trust anyone near my throat. I turned to face him and ended up only an inch away from his face. He grabbed the loop on my collar and pulled me so close I could feel his breath against my lips.

"I asked first dear." He said

I swallowed every ounce of pride and disgust that I had and kissed him. His hand moved off of my collar to fist my hair. He pulled my head back causing me to inhale and he was invading my mouth. Every touch from him made me feel dirty, but I focused on the women in the castle. They needed me and the only way this would work was if he trusted me. Sorin's lips moved to my bare shoulder where his mark was and it burned against my skin. Every part of this felt wrong. His teeth scraped my skin and I shuddered in disgust. He seemed to see that as a sign of pleasure and backed me against the wall. His hand grabbed my throat and he pulled away with a growl.

"This is a trick." He hissed, "Now tell me what you want or I will make you regret this."

Shit. Shit shit shit shit shit shit.... I had to think fast. His eyes flashed and I could feel the heat pouring off of his skin. I lowered my gaze in hopes of calming him down and appearing submissive. I needed to show him that he could trust me or that I had at least given up fighting him. I could feel how aroused he was, but I knew his distrust overpowered that. I had to make him think he had broken me and stripped me of my fight. Shit... this was going to suck. I let out a soft sigh and touched his wrist. He tightened his grip on my throat and I gasped.

"I'm tired Sorin.... King... I'm tired of fighting this. Of fighting you. All my life I've been running away, but there is no place to run too. I just want to be happy... or at least be content and I need you... because the power inside you calls to my own." I choked out

Every word was a lie. Every word tasted like acid in my mouth. But, his grip on my neck loosened and instead if him choking me against the wall he was pressing me against it. He pulled my chin up so he could look me in the eyes.

"If you are lying to me I'll kill you and anyone you care about." He warned

I gave him a half smile and he grabbed my waist. I could feel every inch of him against me and I felt violated in every way. The Amazon inside me was fuming and fighting to get out but I kept her down.

"Looks like you got the trophy you wanted. Congratulations." I said bitterly

His hand moved from my waist to the slit in the dress. I wanted to throw up, but instead I closed my eyes. Soon I would be free. We all would. He pulled my leg up so it was wrapped around his waist and pushed me against the wall. He leaned against me and his teeth grazed my ear.

"Not everything." He whispered

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