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I looked at the guard in front of me in shock. There was no way in hell a mam was giving up power to me. Let alone betraying his King.

"Who are you and how do I kmow this isn't a trick?" I asked

He stood up and he towered over me by at least a foot, but he never broke eye contact.

"My name is Aegeus. My mother was a free woman as you once were. When she was captured she was sold to a Breeder. My father was the last man to ever be with her. He hurt her so badly that after I was conceived she could have no more children. She raised me on stories of her freedom and I loved her, but the Breeder deemed her useless and I never saw her again. When I got older I was sold as warrior until I had worked off my debts and earned my freedom. I fell in love with my Captain's slave. She was beautiful and every time I looked at her it broke my heart. She was a songbird and they had taken out her vocal cords. This was before they had created those collars. One day I found her in the Captain's tent naked and bloody. He had raped her. I tried to help her escape and she nearly made it, but just before she got into the forest they shot her. My songbird fell. If this is not enough to prove to you that I am willing to help you, then know that I am a Stable, a man of horse. My other half is that of the creatures of Amazons and though I may not be a Mare, I swear my fealty to you." He said

I looked at the guard and placed my hand in his wrist. Something inside me pushed me to see if he was telling the truth. I watched a full moon mark form on his skin after I let his wrist go. I felt a connection to him and it left me breathless. He had complete and utter loyalty to me. For the first time in my life a man wanted to help me.

"Aegeus, the protector." I said smiling

He smiled back and kissed my cheek, "My Queen."

"How am I to win over Sorin?" I asked

"Leave that to me. All you need to do is listen to my instructions and play nice." He said

"You don't seem to understand who I am. I don't play nice." I said

He chuckled and bowed his head, "Think you can pretend to?"

I laughed and nodded, "We should get back out there. People will wonder where we went."

"I am going to escort you to your room so you can get ready." He said

I looked at him in confusion and his face darkened.

"I'm bringing you to Sorin. We need to begin winning his trust now." He said

I sighed and he peeked out the curtain. He waved for me to exit out of the room.

"I will request Tess and Natia to come to your room." He said

I nodded and we walked out of the changing room. The guards were heavily engaged with the women in the room who glanced at me with worry. I sent them all comforting and encouraging feelings through our bonds and I could see some of them visibly relax. We left the room and Aegeus told a guard to fetch Tess and Natia and take them to my room. The guard rushed off and I looked at Aegeus with a raised eyebrow.

"After they killed the love of my life the Captain got sick. When he passed away I wad promoted." He said, "I'm gives me seniority and some authority."

I nodded and lowered my eyes in case anyone was watching us. Of anyone saw the two of us we would look like a guard escorting a submissive woman. The thought made me want to laugh, but the cold reality of what was really happening slapped me on the face. I would have to seduce Sorin. Aegeus had told me I had to warn Sorin's trust, but he had also told me that Sorin wanted me. I could read between the lines. The fastest way to Sorin's trust was through submitting to his wishes and what he wished for was me.

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