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Asteria had been playing injured all day. The women had helped her do her hair and makeup in silence. Everyone knew that tonight was the night. The meeting would begin in an hour, the food would be served, and they would run. Sorin had placed Asteria by his side all night and had made her dress like an Amazon warrior in a silver armored dress. He saw it as a fuck you to his enemies. She found it ironic. There was tension throughout the castle. Between Sorin and the men, between the women, and between Asteria and Andy who sat beside Darian like a princess. The meeting began. The women lined up on their diases and watched the men talk. Asteria watched, but didn't pay much attention to the meeting itself. She was more worried about Andy who sat across from her smirking. If one of the women had told her anything she was screwed. So Asteria held her gaze and pulled at the small thread of loyalty that bound Andy to her. When Andy's eyes widened Asteria smirked. Even if Andy knew anything she wouldn't be able to say a word about it. The spirit of the Amazons soared as each tick of the clock went by. Time moved agonizingly slow and the women were getting antsy. Several sent out calming energy to the others, but it only barely kept then at bay. The men talked about business, property, money, alliances, laws, and leadership. Sorin stood at the head of the table exuding the sun energy outward in a display of power. The defiant side of Asteria wanted to push back at his power with her own, but that would give to much away. Pity, the look on his face would've been priceless. Already she was changing and the collar around her throat seemed to weaken. Even the Mark on her shoulder was fading. Darian stood up and spoke. Suddenly the men erupted into an argument. Asteria's attention shifted to the meeting.

"Being a King is more than having the power you were born with Sorin. It's about expanding it." Darian said

"You don't think we've expanded. Look where you stand Darian. I own everything you have and I could easily take it." Sorin threatened

"You have nothing." Darian hissed, "You will lead this world to ruin. You already have a snake at your feet and yet you don't expect it to bite." Darian laughed

"That's funny coming from you. I could easily expose you as a traitor." Sorin said

"And I could easily expose you as a failure and a fraud." Darian argued

A man stood up. He had long white hair and piercing white eyes. He looked old and frail, but the energy around him was strong.

"My King we should discuss this more after dinner. I fear this will end in war if we do not take a breath. We already have so much on our plates that conflict will only make our regime weak." The man said

Sorin glared at the man, but nodded. Across the room Aegeus winked at Asteria which made her instantly suspicious. Who was this man?

A line of women dressed in gold came in pushing carts of food for the men. Another lime of women dressed in black brought in trays of food for the women. All the women took their plates, but we're too anxious to eat. They watched as the men took their first bite and waited....

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