Not Yours

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My eyes opened and I groaned in pain. My whole body was sore and I was cold. I was lying in a concrete floor in total darkness. I could hear scratching sounds around me and I knew there were rats. The air was humid and cold which could only mean I was underground. I snorted. Fairy princess man had a dungeon of course. My ankle was chained to the wall, but there was enough slack for me to move around. There was no way I was moving though and I didn't want to know what I was already laying on. I gagged just from the smell of rot in the air. Someone cleared their throat.

"Hello?" I called

"Keep your voice down. They'll hear you and trust me you don't want to be awake yet." Someone whispered

"Who are you?" I asked

"Be quiet." They said

I sighed and my stomach growled. I hadn't eaten since the night they had brought me to my own room.

"How long have I been here?" I whispered

"You think I know. You can't even tell if it's daytime right now. Do yourself a favor be quiet and hope they forget you." They said

I knew there was no way Ajax was going to forget me. Not after what I did. I could hear footsteps outside the room I was in. A loud creaking came from what I could only assume was the door to my cell.

"Asteria." A voice growled, "Ajax would like to see you."

I tried to stay quiet hoping that whoever was talking couldn't see me or would assume I was still out. I was frozen on the ground. My arm was yanked up and I hissed as it dislocated from my shoulder. My ankle strained against the chain. Whoever was here was a freaking giant.

"Tell Ajax to go to hell." I said

The person holding me laughed so loud it echoed off the walls. I flinched and attempted to pull my injured arm out of their grip. I dropped to the ground so hard the wind knocked out of me. I heard the click of the chain being unhooked from the ground and the beast dragged me by it out of the cell. I reached our to grab onto something, but only managed to get whacked into a wall in the process. I kicked out and managed to make the person stumble. It growled and pulled me faster against the ground.

"I can't wait to see what Ajax has in store for you." It growled

I kept kicking at him and reaching out to grab onto something. This caused him to drag me into a pool of slimy water. I sputtered and the thing laughed. The hallway was starting to lighten up and I could see the shadow of the thing pulling me. It was huge! It's head would hit the ceiling, but he was hunched over and filled the entire space around him. He opened a door and threw me into another room. The door closed and I was once again in total darkness.

"Hello Asteria." A voice familiar voice said

The lights turned on and I was blinded. But I know who was in the room with me.

"I thought I told the thing that brought me here to tell you to go to hell Ajax." I growled

He laughed, "Oh Asteria I wish you weren't so entertaining."

I turned and looked at him. He was shirtless and in jeans. His wings were folded behind him minus a few feathers. I smiled and stood up. In a flash I was knocked down again. My ribs ached from his kick.

"Those trainers didn't do a very good job. But by the end of this I might make you one of my entertainers. You're so spunky." He whispered in my ear

I turned over and kicked out his legs. Once he was down I jumped up and stomped on one of his wings. The sound of the crack echoed and he howled. Before I could blink he had me by the throat against a wall.

"You're making it very difficult for me to want to keep you alive." He hissed

I kicked at him and he squeezed my throat. He pushed himself against me and my vision stared getting fuzzy.

"I could make you mine right now. I could break you in a thousand ways until you were nothing but a shell." He growled

I was still wearing the dress from the meeting, but it was torn apart from being dragged across the floor. It was barely covering me anymore. He kicked open my legs and my vision turned red.

"Stop." I coughed

He smiled an brushed my hair out of my face with his free hand. I felt his lips against my throat and I exploded. He flew across the room and hit the wall.

"Don't touch me." I coughed

The wall cracked against his weight and I realized there was no iron in this room. Whatever was happening was from whatever I was. He stood up on the other side of the room and his broken wing dragged behind him.

"You're mine Asteria and I will do whatever I want with you. The laws don't apply here." He said, "However I'm excited to see what you are. You want a fight I'll give you one."

He ran at me and I dodged him. But he expected that and I heard my leg break as he kicked it. I held my tongue at the pain while something built up inside of me. I stood up on kme leg and looked directly into his eyes and screamed. It was a war cry like nothing I had ever heard from any beast. His face paled and blood dripped from his ears. The feathers on his wings trembled and he pulled something out of his pocket and pressed it. Alarms went off and a group of guards ran in. The came at me and before I could blink they were down. I didn't even think about what I had done, but they didn't stand a chance. Pain shot through me and I felt electricity shooting through my body. My knees gave up and my vision faded back to normal.

"Sir are you okay?" The guard behind me asked

"She's a..... she's a....," Ajax stuttered

The guard put chains on me and my energy faded.

"Sir?" He asked

Ajax shook his head and smiled, "Call the Masters they need to see her. She's going to be very valuable."

"Sir do you mind me asking what she is?" The guard asked

Ajax bent down next to me and I let out a low growl.

"She's an........" Ajax staid and my vision faded to black

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