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When I left the hospital I knew that I my plan was pretty much impossible. I'd have to change tactics without Sorin or anyone else noticing. I was once again in an armored van surrounded by Sorin's guards. They all watched me warily, but Tess looked as sharp as before. It took us three hours to get to the castle and I was aching to have some solid food.
Tess had told me that all the girls except Sorin's favorites ate together. The door to the car opened up and the chain on my collar was taken off. We were inside the palace grounds and with so much security they didn't need us chained. So far everything Tess had told me was true. The guards seemed more relaxed inside the walls and I smiled. I counted ten armed guards on the wall, but I knew from Tess that there were ten more out of view. I turned back to the palace and sighed. The place was huge and completely made of granite. It looked medieval and haunted.

"Come on." A guard said

I smiled at him and some of the irritation drained from his face. He gave a hesitant smile back and motioned for me to walk forward. The first place we walked into was obviously the throne room. A large gold and hematite throne was lifted off the floor on a dais and stood out against the grey walls. Golden tapestries hung down and the light from outside made the hematite on the throne flash blood red. Next to the throne were cushions on a step below him. I could only imagine that being for "his favorites". Sorin walked in and ran a hand on the arm of his throne. I wanted to rip his head off for marking me, but instead I kept my head down.

"Tess, I can't thank you enough for helping Asteria get better. Would you mind getting her and yourself ready for dinner with me tonight?" He asked

I watched Tess get excited, but it didn't reach her eyes. She was solid cold calculation. She smiled and nodded to Sorin and he looked at me. I could feel his gaze burning into my forehead, but I kept my head down as if I had been defeated. He dismissed us and Tess grabbed my hand. She ran down a maze a maze of hallways until we entered her room.

Tess's room was very white. Her bedsheets, curtains, carpet, walls, and furniture were all white. But there were bright patches of blue scattered around her room as pillows, artwork, and rugs. She shut the door in the guard faces and pulled me towards the closet. It was a walk in closet with racks upon racks of clothes.

"Listen if this is going to work you're going to have to live with being uncomfortable. That means dresses. Short dresses." She said

I sighed, "Fine. Dress me up Tess."

She clapped and pulled several dresses from the closet.

"Do you know how to do you're own hair and makeup?" She asked

I shook my head, "I never had to."

"Okay go try those dresses on while I finish up my hair and makeup. Then I'll do yours." She ordered

I went behind a white privacy screen and undressed. The first dress she had pulled out was red and I immediately discarded it. I was not doing red. The next one was white, but when I tried it on my butt stuck out and Tess told me to try a different one. The last one was silver. It had thick straps that created a sweetheart neckline and fell greecian style right above my knees. It wasn't tight around anything, but my chest and it shimmered softly when I moved. When I walked out Tess immediately approved.

Tess had her hair done up in soft curls that framed her round face perfectly. Her makeup was soft and neutral, but her eyes stood out. She quickly sat me down and began doing my hair. I sat still as she did my hair and makeup and when she had finished I looked in the mirror. She had added black extensions to my hair and had braided it like a crown around my head. My makeup was exotic with cat eye eyeliner highlighting my green eyes. I actually felt pretty. I thanked Tess and she changed into a light blue strapless dress that was tight on top with a long see through bottom. She smiled at me.

"Sorin will test you tonight. Just be the pain in the ass you usually are to him, but not as much and he won't suspect anything. We should take this slow Sorin is very.... paranoid sometimes." She said

I smiled at her, "Don't worry I got this."

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