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Asteria's POV
We were running. Women of all ages were helping each other to the docks. Some of the village men fought back while others helped the women escape. One man embraced a woman and cried he kissed her and then she picked up a small baby which he kissed as well. Tears were streaming down their faces and he handed her a small bronze key. They seperated and he collapsed to the floor. I watched him carefully not sure what to make of his obvious love for the woman. Was this how it used to be? A scream shook me out of my thoughts and I looked around. A woman was running towards me in a panic. She was struggling with her collar, but couldn't seem to unlock it while running. Behind her was a man on a horse. She tripped down a hill and he followed her while drawing a sword. I ran towards them. I got there right before he could strike her. I grabbed his wrist and squeezed until he dropped the sword. I looked deep into his eyes which widened in fear. The horse wouldn't move no matter how hard he willed it to run. I moved my gaze from him to the horse and the horse bucked the man off. I helped the woman up and onto the horse.

"Get to the docks and wait for me." I said

She nodded and the horse took off. The man on the ground groaned. I had less than five minutes before I needed to get to the docks.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" The man hissed

I smiled at him and he attempted to sit up.

"Getting our freedom." I growled

I grabbed the pressure point on his throat and squeezed until he passed out. Two minutes. I started running to the docks when I hear an alarm from the castle. Looks like the boys woke up. Damn. I could hear the pounding of horse hooves heading to the docks and laughed. Don't they know that horses and Amazons are kin? I let out a war cry and the sound of hooves stopped. The horses cried out and dumped their passengers before running towards the women who jumped on their backs and rode to the docks. One black mare ran up to me and I jumped onto her bare back. I could feel the mental and spiritual connection to her that allowed me to direct her without moving. She already knew where I wanted to go and in seconds I was towering over a fallen Sorin. He was dressed in the same outfit that he had worn to the meeting. No armour. I smiled.

"Oh how the mighty have fallen." I joked

He let out a roar that I could only assume came from his sun lion. He stood up

"Asteria, I'm shocked I thought we were getting close." He taunted

I laughed and his eyes narrowed, "That was the plan."

He jumped up and tried to attack me but I kicked him down.

"Pathetic." I said

I looked behind me and found the women taking down the men that had come down with Sorin. He had barley one third of the men from the castle with him and the women took care of them easily. Without the collars their powers were at full force. I jumped of the horse and picked up Sorin's sword. He tried to get up but I put my foot against his chest and pushed him back onto the ground.

"It would be so easy to kill you right now." I said and lifted the sword to his throat.

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