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Sorin came in looking pissed. His prize had been poisoned by the damn Basalisk and his red headed pet and he couldn't do anything about it. Why? Because the damn cat viper was his step brother and the meeting tommorow required them to get along. He couldn't even touch the red head because his brother liked her so much. Sorin's trophy was laying in a hospital bed when she should be in his bed. He needed to own her. It would show the rest of the council that he was in charge. The other Kings would have to negotiate with him and submit to his terms, the Masters would follow his lead, and the women would lose the last shred of hope they had. All he needed to do was bed and tame the woman in front of him, but she's in the fucking hospital. Aegeus sat beside her as her personal guard just like he had ordered him too, but it seemed like the guard was taking too much of a liking to the Amazon. Sorin would have to remind him of his place.

Asteria glared at Sorin when he first came in, but a quick glance from Tess made her relax her look. Defiance filled every cell in her body when she looked at the so called King in front of her. She could taste the fear and the cowardice inside him. Yes the man was powerful, but not as much as she had previously thought. Being a politician was a bitch on the nerves. Her body was already stronger than before, but she played weak. Tommorow she would get the women out. He'll if she was lucky she would be able to take out King Sunshine. Already she felt her energy and power grow. It came from a long lime of ancestors, the earth, and the moon. She could feel the knowledge and power of each of them thumping under her skin. It made her want to give out a battle cry. But not yet... the words of the other me rang in my head.

"We are one Asteria. All of us. When you wake up we will all be with you and you won't be alone. Each Amazon holds the powers of those who came before her. As the last, you have the powers of all of us. You are one of us and I ask that the wind always be at your bow, the storm always be in your heart, and the blood of your enemies always be on your hands. Show weakness when they expect it so when you show your strength they will fall." Other me said

She grasped my forearm and I felt the voices of so many women.... Amazons.. fill my head and flood my heart. Even my mother was there guiding me. I didn't feel like the last of my race. I was no longer alone. Their strength was my strength. I took a deep breath and woke up.

When Asteria had woken up she was surrounded by medics. They had been trying to revive her and we're close to giving up. When she had taken that breathe and opened her eyes they had slumped in relief. The King would not take his anger out on them, they had done their job. Looking at Sorin now they weren't so sure. He looked pissed, but it was only because his hands were tied. Asteria was proof of his power and he needed to show that he could master her. He needed the other Kings and Masters to submit to his rule. It was his right. But, Asteria had other plans. The two looked at each other and Asteria hid her strength behind a mask of exhaustion. Sorin hid his greed with a look of concern. The women held their breathe as they felt new hope. They could sense the strength growing inside Asteria. Tommorow they would be free.

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