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It had been three days since Sorin had invited her to lunch and Asteria was getting impatient. She needed to get Sorin to trust her, but she couldn't do that if he never saw her. She had been on her best behavior... well as good as she can be. She had made progress though. Not seeing Sorin had allowed her to meet the other women of the castle and befriend a few guards. Many of the women in the palace had pledged themselves to her and she could feel her strength growing. The collar around her neck was weakening.

She sat in front of the mirror attempting to braid her now shoulder length hair. After a few tries she gave up as she had when the women had tried to teach her makeup, fashion, and other things. Asteria closed her eyes and leaned her head against the wall and closed her eyes.

It had been hours since she had set up the trap, but nothing had been caught in it yet despite how well it was made. Asteria had taken great pride in her traps that one of the other women in their tribe had taught her to make and she wanted to catch something to bring it back to her. Just when she was about to give up there was a rustle in the snow. Two snowy white ears shot up and excitement coursed through Asteria's viens. Any moment now.... and the trap snapped shut on a large white rabbit. She grabbed her prize and brought it back to the women. That day had started her love for the hunt. It had taught her that if you wait the prize will come to you.

Someone knocked on the door and Asteria opened her eyes. The knock got louder and she got up to answer it Sorin stood fist raised to the now empty space where the door used to be. He looked exhausted and beat to shit. However I could still feel the immense power radiating off of him.

"Can I help you?" I asked

Sorin swayed and I caught his arm. He smiled at me and laughed.

"Are yoy drunk?" I asked

He smiled again and pushed me against a wall. I tried to push back but I wasn't at full strength yet.

"You know Asteria is a very pretty name." Sorin growled

I ignored him and he pressed against me. I continued to try to break his grip but it only tightened.

"You know I have been gone three days on a hunt and I come back and all we have is whiskey and some cheese in the fridge. Luck for you I caught a stag." He slurred

"Well thank you Sir." I said

He grunted and I tried to pull away. This would've been a great time to escape if I was alone. I was almost tempted to try but I had made a deal I had to stay and wait out my prize.

"You know what would be perfect right now?" Sorin asked

"What?" I replied

I just had to reply. In an instant the white t shirt I had been wearing was torn off and I was only left in shorts and a bra. Sorin stumbled and I was able to push him off. A guard walked in and I backed away. He let out a chuckle and picked Sorin off the floor.

"He's always drunk and horny after a hunt. Sorry dear we couldn't catch him fast enough this time." The guard said

I nodded and they left. The day had just begun and I was already tired.

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