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It had been several days since we had found out about the meeting. I had passed information through Natia to the other women that we were going to leave when the men are expecting us to get ready. Aegeus is going to give me the keys to the women's collars and unlock kine so a few of us could take out the guards. Aegeus would then help us all meet the rest of the women at the gardens and avoid the other guards. Some of the water spirits from town had gotten access to several large boats that we could use to get to the island. I expected some bloodshed and a fight, but if we did it quickly we should get out without much injury. Everyone had been preparing by stashing clothes, food, and supplies in the dressing room. A group of women from the towns and city around the palace would meet us at the docks to join us. All in all I was helping around 1200 women escape. I was nervous as hell. I felt like I was standing in the eye of a storm all hell would break loose soon. But, it wasn't so much the escape that scared me it was the loss of the collar. Without it I would have full access to my inner Amazon and I would become her. I wasn't sure if I was ready for that and I was scared that I might lose a part of myself. But, with so many women looking up to me I had to hide my worries and hold strong. Too many people were risking their lives and I couldn't let my insecurities get to me. I found myself waking up earlier than I needed to so that I could give myself a few moments of peace. I would lay in bed and stare at the ceiling or out the window until it was time for me to go. The pull to the island was getting so strong that I could close my eyes and be standing on the sand. I could feel where I had to go to get to the island. It was almost time.

Sorin had been hovering around me more and more lately. He would request I ate with him, went on walks with him, and spent time alone with him. Sometimes he would kiss me and other times he would try to get more. But, Aegeus or another guard he had sent always interrupted Sorin before it went too far. I was eternally grateful to him for this and even though I always left Sorin feeling dirty, Aegeus could make me smile. I hoped the island would accept hom, part of me felt like he belonged there. He was part horse after all, but he was still a man. I wanted him to be there though because he was one of my closest friends and after all he had done for us we needed to give him some protection. I felt his loyalty to me and to the others and I knew I could trust him.

People were starting to prep the palace for the meeting. It was being cleaned and decorated meticulously. The chefs were tryi bf out recipes that they had the women judge for them and the gardeners were creating beautiful artwork with the palace grounds. The palace was in a buzz and the guards were constantly running scenarios in preparation for the meeting. Aegeus kept us in the loop about those, but the guards were in no way expecting such a massive escape. Suspicions about me were dwindling as rumors that Sorin and Aegeus were now my lovers spread amongst the men. They saw me as a tamed woman and that allowed me priveleges like only needed one escort and no longer being chained. Aegeus would sometimes spend nights sleeping on the floor beside my bed to help keep up the act. He had truly become a savior to us. More women would be able to escape because of him. Soon we all would be home. Soon we would all be free. I would not stop until every woman was free of slavery.

Only a few more days...

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