Chapter 3: Virtual Insanity

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Location: Convention Hall - Mega Pizzaplex Plus

Time: 8:55pm

In a dimly lit neon purple dressing room, Octavious Shaw Burrows, the enigmatic CEO of Fazbear Entertainment, stood before an ornate mirror. His piercing white synthetic eyes bore into his reflection, scrutinising the black suit that clung to his robust form.

Adjusting his purple tie, pixels flickering across its surface, he ensured every detail was immaculate. Parts of his face bore faint bifurcated lines, the subtlest trace of the cybernetic components beneath his smooth metal-plastic skin.

Decades ago, when Octavious was still flesh and bone, he had been suffering from a disease brought about by his unhealthy lifestyle, afflicted by the ravages of fatal obesity-related ailment and facing an early demise. However, his riches, indomitable will to live and his relentless pursuit of innovation in robotics had led him to transfer his consciousness into a machine and emerge as the android he was today—a figure of elegance and power, a living testament to the boundless possibilities of technology. This metamorphosis had afforded him not just longevity, but a newfound vitality and the chance to seize life's greatest moments.

"Vic, how do I look?" he inquired, his gaze shifting toward one of the holographic, humanoid female triplets surrounding him. Each of their virtual presences shimmered with soft, pink, blue and green hues.

Victoria Rose, the woman in pink, replied, "You look absolutely impeccable, Mr Burrows. As dashing as ever."

Octavious then turned to the identical woman in blue next to Victoria, his eyes betraying a hint of vulnerability. "Liz, do I truly look my best tonight?"

Elizabeth Gemini, ever the embodiment of charisma, chimed in, "Mr Burrows, you are the epitome of handsome and the very definition of a great leader. Rarely do you falter."

Octavious chuckled, basking in the familiar reassurances before turning to the last 'person' in the room. "And Isa, my dear Isa, am I indeed at the height of my charm this evening?"

Isabella Olive, the AI who was the stoic out of the three, nodded with a glint of respect in her virtual eyes, pushing up her round spectacles. "Certainly, Mr Burrows. You are a paragon of leadership and elegance. As always."

Octavious nodded, his ego perfectly preened for the evening's event, "One last thing Isa, How is our security tonight at the stage venue?"

Isa, her holographic form poised gracefully, responded with a salute. "Security is at its peak efficiency. We've taken every precaution to ensure a smooth and secure event".

Octavious exhaled a sigh of relief.

"Good," he remarked, his tone betraying a hint of lingering anxiety. "Because I don't want a repeat of what happened last year. That Bastard conspiracy theorist darted onto the stage when we least expected it and started making outlandish claims about us abducting children and exposing them to an experimental hallucinogenic gas. It took us months to clear our name from those baseless accusations that were nothing short of preposterous".

The tumultuous incident from the previous year kept weighing heavily on his mind, and he couldn't help but cringe at all of it.

"This year Isa, I want nothing less than flawless security." He stated to the AI adamantly, "I want this year's event to be untainted by any form of disruption or groundless rumours."

Isa's digital olive eyes sparkled with unwavering loyalty, "Security protocols have been rigorously tested and the Staffbots are ever vigilant. Nothing will go wrong".

"And PattMath...HE won't be there again will he?"

"Nope. We banned him from buying tickets to this event this year. He's only allowed to harass people in the convention centre now." Isa trailed off, going stiff as she received a notification that made her eyes light up even brighter for a split second.

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