Chapter 5: Made in Heaven

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Location: Unknown Forest

Time: Many Decades Ago...

The RV's interior bathed the forest in a soft glow, casting shadows that danced across the midnight landscape. For three years, this mobile haven had been the sanctuary for Charlie and Micheal, shielding them from the uncertainties that lurked beyond its familiar walls. As they shared a quiet moment in the dimly lit space, Charlie observed the rhythmic movement of Micheal's decaying purple hands, sketching intricate patterns of birds and superheroes in a weathered notebook.

"Why do you draw so many birds and superheroes flying?" Charlie inquired, her ghostly presence tethered to the puppet form she occupied.

Micheal paused, his eyes reflecting a poignant nostalgia. "I've always been drawn to characters that can fly. The idea of going wherever they want appealed to me. When I was younger, I dreamed of having that power—to escape from my abusive father and the house I lived in".

Listening attentively, Charlie's empathetic eyes mirrored the weight of their shared history. "Wouldn't your siblings and mom miss you if you flew away, though?"

A bitter smile played on Micheal's lips. "They might have, once upon a time. But after the incident, they despised me. I'm certain they would've tried to forget me, move on. And after you passed away, staying with them wasn't exactly a place of happiness for me. That's why I'd sometimes crash at your father's place. He could at least tolerate me being there for long hours..."

The RV's engine emitted a gentle hum, a melancholic soundtrack to the unspoken pain that lingered between them.

In the ensuing silence, Micheal turned to Charlie, vulnerability etched on his features. "You know...I hadn't known you for very long while you were alive but...I've missed you. You were one of my only good friends back then and I'm glad we found each other again, even if it's in such an unexpected way."

Without uttering a word, Charlie leaned in, her spindly arms enveloping Micheal in a gentle embrace. At this point, they had come to accept their undead existences, sharing a life intricately woven with quests to find one father or confront the other. Yet, amid the complexities of their journeys, they found solace in the fact that they weren't pursuing their quests alone.


Location: Heaven

Time: Afternoon

Michael and Charlie landed smack dab in the centre of the Aviary, light bouncing on its fluffy cloud-like floors upon impact. The place was a sacred sanctuary of marble pillars and celestial floating lights that cast an otherworldly glow around the area. Staring above and around, Mike noted some of the random clouds gently carried giant eggs as well

Micheal's heart raced with a mixture of anticipation and nervousness as his voice echoed in the mystical space.

"Hello?" His words reverberated, "Hello Old Man? Are you there?"

Just ahead of him, a single humongous fire burned brillantly upon a gold marble bowl, fueled by what was seemingly enchanted coal below but before he could figure out what it was for, another voice spoke from behind.

"Yes. You're right on time, Michael".

Startled by his sudden presence, Michael jumped back a bit, his nerves causing a slight tremor as he turned to behold the tall, enigmatic figure of Old Man Consequences emerging from behind one of the pillars.

"And Charlie, I see you made it too." The Angel acknowledged her presence as well.

"I'm not here to accept the offer. I'm just here to escort this scaredy cat to you." His sister said jokingly.

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