Five - Gone Away

310 22 18

Present time

Yeonjun's Pov:

"Tae, we received a letter from his royal highness." I called my partner who was looking out the balcony.

"Can we finally return!" His face was gleaming. We both missed Varahn very much. But we had to stay here under his majesty's order.

"We can.... But..."

"But what?" He asked.

"We have to take someone along."

"With us? Who?" Tae asked, he did look worried. And I'm sure he already had an idea of who.

"Lee Minho"

Minho Pov :

Mina was in my arms, still drowsy from waking up. She's so cute, she was a replica of Chan. Though she did get some of Ivory's genes like her blonde hair and slim face. Over time I did get along with Ivory, apparently she was forced. I still wonder who did it, but it has died down since Mina was born.

The castle was pretty dark, the lights were very dim. Honestly I liked it better this way. Hiding in the dark rather than suffering in the light. It was much better. So much more peaceful to my soul.

I walked up to the large doors of the dining hall. The guards opened it for me and I walked in hearing a conversation already running.

"Good morning love," I greeted my husband walking by him and settled Mina in her chair.

"Morning baby, where's my morning kiss?" His lips pouted and it was to adorable to resist.

"You two are so cheesy," Kai faked a throwup.

"I agree," Hyunjin snickered.

"You can't be talking hyun, does anyone want to know what I saw–"

"Enough of that!" Jisung projected his voice clearly embarrassed.

"What is Jisungie embarrassed?" I tilted my head with an innocent smile. Felix stuck out his tongue at Jisun teasing him.

"Felix you—"

"Hyung, today isn't a day where you go around exposing us." Felix defended himself. I heard Changbin and Hyunjin laugh at their two lovers.

Jeongin seemed to be pretty silent through everything.

"Innie you okay?" I asked him.

"Yeah I'm good hyung," Jeongin smiled. It didn't look genuine though.

I sat down at the table across from Chan which was pretty far.

"How was everyone's morning?" Chan asked. Everyone replied with a 'good' or 'the usual'.

"Kai, wanna head out later?" I asked. I haven't spent any time with him for a while other than training.

"Why all of a sudden?" Kai shot his head up.

"We haven't hung out in a while, so I thought–"

"I'm busy." He dryly responded before he went back to eating his breakfast.

"What would you be so busy with?" I asked, I felt my anger rise but I didn't let it take over.

"I'm just busy, go hang out with Dad or something," Kai rolled his eyes.

"Kai that is not how you speak to him–"

"I don't fucking care." Kai cut Chan off yelling.

"I don't think you'll be leaving the castle today or this week at all." I looked at my son seeing him glare at me with hate. These days, we barely had a conversation, mostly arguments. He's hiding something, but I won't force him to open up.

"Who are you to tell me what to do?" He talked back

"The one who raised you," If he was looking for a fight then he'll gladly get one.

"I think that's-"

"You don't have a say in this Lix." I glared at the freckled man.

"I don't feel like eating anymore," Kai abruptly stood up and left the room. This ungrateful brat. Calm down Minho, he's just in his rebellious phase.

"Eat, don't worry about him," I broke the silence at the table. No one responded, they just focused on their food. Mina had just been laughing and in her own world. It was adorable I had to say.

— — — —

Kai opened up, I knocked on his door waiting for an answer.

"Go away." He yelled back.

"I'm your father, open up." I tried not to raise my voice as best as I could.

"You're not my real father."

That's it, this kid. "I'll be waiting by the lake, and I know you know which lake I'm talking about. I better see you there in twenty." I ordered before I walked away from the door.

Mina was with Hyunjin and Jisung in their room. Chan was in his office, he seemed to be quite busy with king duties. I don't have much to do since the queen here doesn't do much. That's better for me, less work.

I walked through the castle halls letting my thoughts consume me. I wonder what it's like right now in Celestia. Is everyone dead? Are they being controlled? I don't know. Chan wouldn't tell me anything. And I knew why. Even the king died and the only heir is here. We didn't need Jeongin dying either.

Before I knew it, I was already by the lake, that was quick. There was still time before Kai was meant to come here. Since it would be just me for some time, why not just look at nature.

I sat down on a huge rock, exploring my eyes through mother nature. The fuck am I thinking? Nature my ass. I can't even relax for a minute let alone ten more minutes.

My stomach felt uneasy, I wasn't alone here.

"Kai?" I called out. The lake wasn't a very open place, it was closed off by the tall white trees. Yes the tree's here were white and so were the bushes. It's really beautiful. But that's not what I should be thinking about right now.

"There's no point in hiding!" I yelled, this kid really wants to get on my nerves today. I stood up walking closer to a bush. This is what it was like, sometimes Kai would try to sneak up on me. I took my dagger out, obviously I wasn't gonna stab the kid. It was just a playful thing.

"How much longer do you plan on hiding?" I asked again, but this time a piece of cloth had covered my mouth blocking the air from my lungs. The dagger in my hand slipped from my hand.

Fuck, this isn't good. I tried to fight back whoever was trying to kidnap me.

"Stop fighting back will ya?" A familiar voice spoke to me. Yeonjun? This asshole. I tried to scream but my sounds were muffled by the piece of cloth. Taehyun came in front of me and tied my hands together.

"I'm sorry hyung," Was the last thing I heard before I lost consciousness.

Kai's Pov:

I slowly made my way to the lake, I knew my dad would get mad at me and that would be a hassle to deal with. I wanted to see Dawn today but because of this old man I can't. I know he suspects that I'm hiding something. I'm glad he isn't questioning me..... Yet.

I looked around the lake area, no one was there.

"Dad!" I yelled, it's usually me sneaking up on him. What's he up to this time? "I'm not in the mood to fight you." I yelled. Still no response. I continued to walk until my foot stepped over something. I lifted my leg up, it was a dagger. I picked it up to inspect it.

It was my dads. Where did he go though? Is this a plan? I looked down to see a piece of paper lying on top of the grass blades.

It was a letter, I unfolded it and started to read. It was addressed to Yeonjun and Taehyun. From......Varahn's crown prince.

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