Chapter 17 - Star Lost

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A couple were running through the forest, small yellow lights lighting up the dark area in the vicinity. Fireflies. They were glowing bright, like the stars above.

"Channie, stop running so fast." Minho panted, tired. He looked around him, they were no longer in the forest. It was a grassy land, with small flowers here and there. Chan was sleeping on the grass, his eyes shut with a wide smile on his face.

"You finally caught up," He smiled at his husband.

"You ran too fast," Minho pouted, he fell down and sat next to the older.

"Isn't it beautiful?"

"What is?" Minho asked, looking around. "Is it me," he smiled profoundly.

"No not you," Chan rolled his eyes, "The sky." He lifted his hand pointed at the black blanket above the land. Small white dots glowing with a radiant purple painted across.

"It really is," Minho smiled, sleeping next to Chan, cuddling him. Chan had his arm under Minho bringing the younger one closer to him. "Where do you think people go when they die?" Minho asked out of nowhere.

"They become stars, that's what I believe in." The cool breeze ran through the green blades of grass to the tall trees behind them.

"Stars?" Minho asked curiously. "What if I can't find their star?"

"Then I guess they're Star Lost."

— —

I woke up from the same dream, I've been getting it for a week. My breath was ragged and I was sweaty, people would assume it was a dream. I knew for sure it wasn't. It was at that moment when Chan and I had a conversation about the dead and stars, my stomach sank when I thought about the misfortune that would soon hit me.

No, I can't think like that. I refuse to let the devil take my soul. Suddenly my veins are strained, the black streaks reached to my biceps. My purple hair was fading to a lighter shade of dark. My skin was almost gray, my face was all that was left. My eyes were irritated, I felt like gouging them out. The red light was glowing from my pupils, reflecting against the mirror on the wall. I was like a devil. I hated it.

I looked out the balcony.

It was the moon, glowing up the sky.... All by itself.

A lonely moon without its sun.

— —

The next morning...

I had been awake for a while, I couldn't sleep after that dream. Tonight is when I truly become possessed. I was ready to take it on.... Is what I keep telling myself. I just gaslighted myself into believing I might actually live. I highly doubt it.

I've been in the same room for so long I forgot what it was like out in the land. I would love to lay on the grass and watch the stars. The door opened aggressively, the bastard king and 2 of his guards busted in.

"Take him, leave him in the cell...... the one where the moon shines through the skylight hole." The king demanded, 2 guards took a hold of me. I had no energy to fight back, they could kill me for all I care. I was gonna die anyway. "Listen boy." The guards stopped in front of him forcing me to look at the wretched man.


"You better let the devil in tonight, don't fight it off." He pointed his finger at me, "You'll just kill yourself." He laughed. "Take him away." He got serious real fast.

I was dragged in the long dark corridors of the foggy castle. It was almost pitch black, the sun barely shining in Varahn. I'm not surprised, everyone here is shady. Except for Seungmin, he's just someone who isn't understood by society.

We were down in the dungeons of the castle, or that's what I thought. It very much didn't look like a dungeon. A huge room with a hole in the ceiling for the moon. Directly under the ceiling hole was a pair of chains pinned to the floor. I was shoved to the ground both my hands cuffed but the Chan's. I couldn't even stand. The farthest I could be up is sitting on my knees. The cuffs were uncomfortable, it made me feel scared. The room had 4 torches lighting up in blue. The blue wasn't very strong to light up the whole room, it lit up everything that was 2 feet radius from it.

The guards left, and now I was alone. I looked up to see a pink painted across the dark blue sky with sparkles of stars as a touch. My dream had come to mind again.

"Will I find your star?" Minho asked.

"I have no idea, even if I am star lost. It doesn't mean I'm gone," Chan had brought Minho closer to him, kissing the younger's forehead.

"I want to see your star though," Minho pouted. Chan hummed and closed his eyes letting sleep overtake him. Minho has started to become drowsy as well. And soon enough the couple had fallen asleep.

A tear rolled down my cheek as I recalled my memories.


Today, too, trippin', I'm trippin', I'm trippin'

I'm looking for your light

When I look at my reflection in the mirror

I feel like I'm lost, stuck in the dark

Wandering in the deep fog

I'm star lost~


How do we feel about this chapter guys 😌

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