Chapter 14 - A new Couple

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Jeongin's Pov:

"Wait what.....?" I asked in disbelief. A few seconds went by as I processed the information. "Are you being for real?"

"No it was a joke," He laughed before going back to work. This guy- he was just playing with me. How does Minho hyung even like him?

"Wow," I rolled my eyes while taking the book and continuing to read. A few minutes later I heard some laughter coming across from me. "What are you laughing at?" I glared at him, though my cheeks were getting brighter by the seconds.

"Nothing," He laughed it off going back to work with a smile on his face. That smile was something I admired for a while.

"You're still staring," He said, still looking down at the book going to the next page. I ignored him with a blush spread on my cheek.

"You're such a player," I retorted.

"I've never played with anyone," He looked confused, like a lost little puppy.

"I meant you messed with my feelings." I dead-panned.

"What did I do? I just said I didn't love you," He defended lightly.

"You're new at this aren't you," I looked at him and finished with this conversation.

"Yeah, explain it to me." He put the book aside and looked straight at me.

"Never mind," He was really clueless about this, but it made my heart flutter.

"No tell me."

"What do you want me to tell you?" I put the book aside.

"Define love." He asked without mercy. I thought about the question, I felt a smile crawl onto my face as my thoughts flooded in.

"Love is......." I paused thinking. "Love is when you can never stop thinking about your partner, when you long for them every second of your life. Where you can't ever stop looking at them without feeling lost in their smile. A gaze that never leaves."

"That's not what the dictionary says." He interrupted me.

"Are you gonna follow the dictionary or me?" I asked, getting a little pissed. If he knew then why ask.

"The dictionary is always accurate, it says an intense feeling of deep affection towards one" He started," It never said anything about getting lost or longing for someone."

"You know what," I said angrily. "Follow the dictionary, and leave me out of this." I was getting up to leave, walking past him, but when I did he grabbed my wrist, not letting me walk away.

"Even if the dictionary exists....... I'll always listen to you." He took my hand placing it on his cheek smiling.

"W-what....." I stuttered, getting flustered. "You're just playing with my feelings again." I spoke but mostly to myself.

"Do I look like someone who goes around making love to everyone I see?" He asked, raising an eyebrow but his smile grew into a smirk.


"So what is it?"

"What's what."

"Do you love me?"

"More than you'll ever know." I smiled, taking my other hand cupping both his cheeks leaning my forehead against his.

"Do you want to know something?" He asked me.


"In your smile, I find the sunshine that brightens my darkest days, and warms the coldest nights." He pulled me down straddling in his lap.

" Do you want to know something too?" I asked him with a wide smile spread on my face. My cheeks were bright red and warm. I loved this feeling, and I never want it to end.

"Tell me love."

"Every moment with you feels like a page from a beautiful love story, and I never want that book to end." I moved my hands down to his shoulder as he wrapped his around my waist.

"Good thing I'll never let this end," He pulled me closer, connecting our lips. Time stood still as we shared a sweet kiss. Nothing mattered right now, just us in our fantasy.

I loved him. 


Seungin are such green flags 😭 

I want a relationship like this, poetry is my fucking love language 🤌😭

Seungin is officially my favorite ship in this book 

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