Nine - Love

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Seungmin's Pov:

I followed my father out the room, we were now right outside the doorway.

"She's a witch." He spoke without even giving me a chance to ask my question.

"What?" I was confused. We never agreed on this. Fuck, I never knew there was even a witch. Those were myths I heard as a kid. Dark magic..... She's using it on him. "What did you do to him? I thought we were gonna play around and torture him?"

"Things have changed boy. I'm sure you're aware of Dark Magic, but not its existence."

"What is she doing to him, your majesty?" Taehyun asked with a soft voice. I knew very well he was afraid of my father.

"You'll find out." He smirked but I was terrified. There are so many possibilities she could be doing to him. I had an idea and I was praying I was wrong. I heard a scream, not one you would feel scared of. One when you're in pain. Tortured.

"Spill it." I gritted at him. The urge to just kill him now was strong, but I didn't let my emotions slip onto my face. The only way I can win is to control myself. Which was very hard.

"Like I said.... You'll find out." He looked at me, that smug grin on his face. The screams of agony didn't stop. I so desperately wanted to go in and stop all of this. I couldn't, if I did I was just asking for my death. If I am to protect him, I have to stay here. At Least for y/n. She told me about him on her mission there. He didn't sound the least bit annoying. For someone I've never met and only heard stories of, my heart fluttered with the mention of his name.

I've never felt like this, and that feeling wasn't very well not welcomed. Love isn't something I've wanted to feel. Not after my mother died. This wretched old man had the audacity to kill her in front of my eyes. I'd wake up to those nightmares every night. Not a minute of sleep. Somehow I managed to live this long.

I don't think I love Minho, maybe I have a small crush. I was sure of it. You can't be in love with someone you barely know and only heard stories of. And you most definitely cannot love someone who loves another. It's saddening. Heartbreaking. But it's life. Something some people don't have, something some people don't want. Something some people can't control.

I heard moans come from the room, it was disgusting. What they had done to him. I hated myself for not stepping in. I can't do anything about it. I wish I could. Oh how desperately I wish I could.

"I will take my leave, and Seungmin." He called me. He lifted his finger pointing at me, "Don't bother with any of this."

I would love to hire an assassin on this man but finding one that would be willing to kill this man is tough. Someone who isn't scared of the consequences they would face if they were to be caught. That's it, I just need to contact him.

Stuck here like a pretty bird in its cage. Waiting to be set free. That could never be me. Who would want to see me free? I'm fucking twisted. They'd have to be crazy enough to want me. A lot of people despise me with hate on another level. Love isn't for me. It never was.

Minho isn't necessarily my type...... he's quite far from it actually. He just pleases my heart. Maybe it's not love. Maybe it's the desperation of a true friend. Something I've never had, but something I've longed for. My type would be someone who loves me and only that. I don't care about looks or their background. As long as they love me, I'll love them. But it would be endearing if they were a bottom. I hate being bottomed. I've had sex without countless worthless human beings. I've truly hated people going in and out of my hole. Yes it was pleasure-able, but I prefer to be the one who goes in and out. To see their fucked out face. Hair locks over their face. And dimples are the only thing that catches my attention. Kissing their entire body under the moonlight.

I'm going deep in this topic. I'll take my leave too.

Kai's Pov:

It was late afternoon, this isn't Celesita where everyday was sunny. It was cloudy but that doesn't mean the mood would be too. The people here are nice, way too nice. Even though there were so many bad rumors about this place, it was like heaven here. I think Celestia was just jealous.

I was riding my horse through the streets. People looked up to me, smiling and welcoming me. I loved the feeling of being wanted. Back in Celestia I was an outcast. I was weird for liking other boys. But here, the boys loved me. None of them caught my attention like Dawn has. His hair was like the morning sunrise. Glowing like gold. It was a bit overgrown but long hair suited him much better. He had a mole right next to his lip. I would kiss him there everytime we slept together. And that was one of the best things I've done in my life.

And no, I'm not a top. Sadly, he always manages to dominate me with that soft personality of his. But never for a second did I hate it. I made my horse stop in front of a cottage on the outskirts of town. It was Dawn and Dusk's home. I loved it here, it was peaceful. Nothing rich and fancy. Just peaceful. I got off my horse, tying it to the fence. I walked along the stone path but as I was about to grab the door knob. The door opened. It was Dawn. He looked beautiful. His hair fell to his shoulder, messy covering parts of his eyes. His lips were plump and his nose was soft.

"Good morning sunshine." I greeted him knowing very well it wasn't morning.

"Good morning to you Mr.Prince." He raised his lips up a little. "What brought you here?" He asked, pulling me into a hug.

"I just missed you, is that so wrong?" I chuckled.

"Of course not, I just heard the news about your—"

"Can we not talk about that right now?" I cut him off pleading.

"Of course." He leaned his forehead against mine. I knew where this was going. I wasn't planning on stopping it either. 


Who do u think seungmin's type is 👀 

Also who's your favorite character so far?

 Mines seungmin 🥰

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