Six - Regrets

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Kai's Pov:

He was gone, they took him. The color was draining from my face, and my heart beat was rapid. I held onto the paper and a dagger dashing through the white forest. I had to tell my father about dad.

Once I reached the castle I noticed the guards were worried.

"Are you okay young prince–"

"Where's my dad?" I asked hurriedly.

"Which one?" This wasn't the time for games.

"The king." I growled.

"Oh he's in his office–" I didn't let the guard finish and quickly ran past the main doors of the castle. I got looks from the servants and guards but I didn't care. My dad's life was at risk.

I reached the doors of my father's office, I was about to go in but the guards stopped me.

"His majesty is in an important meeting right now, he told us to let no one in." Once spoke to me. I don't have time for this.

"Let me go," I growled at him.

"Forgive me, I can't" He spoke, not letting his firm grip loosen on me.

"I said let me fucking go!" I yelled.

"Please quiet down, Is his majesty hears–"

"What is going on here?" My father opened the door, he seemed to be quite mad. But I don't care about that right now.

"Someone took dad." I panted.

"Kai, I get your hate Minho right now, I'm in an important meeting right now."

"Do none of you understand!?" I raised my voice. The guard let go of me.

I shoved the letter to my father. He took it and read through everything silently. As he read father and father I saw the change of emotions displayed on his face.

"Fuck," He whispered. "Go check Taehyun's and Yeonjun's room." He demanded as soon as he finished reading. "Weren't you supposed to be with him?" My father asked me.

"Yeah.... But I got there too late." I looked to my feet in disappointment.

"Is there a problem?" A man came from my fathers office.

"I think we should postpone this meeting to another day," My father quickly spoke and took my wrist leading me into the office. He shut the door on the man outside.

"I'm sorry this is my fault, I shouldn't have–"

"It's too late for apologies," He had his fingers against his forehead. A knock was heard on the door.

"Your majesty." It was the guard.

"Come in."

The guard came in, "They had left, all their stuff was gone to. A small carriage and two horses were stolen from the–"

"What happened to the guards?" He growled.

"They were unconscious when we found them."

They were smooth with this, why did they have to betray us like this.

"Kai, head to your room. We'll talk later."


"I said go." He said sternly.

I didn't respond and left his office. My dad's gone. They took him. It's all my fault. Why did I have to argue with him so much? I felt warm water at the brim of my eyes. I was crying, I was really crying.

I haven't cried since I saw my mother die. I miss her. Fucking Varahn. I want to see Dawn. But my father told me to head to my room. Dawn might get in trouble if he finds out about him. It's safer here than keeping him at risk.

Chan's Pov:

I sent out a search party just now, I don't think they could have gotten very far. But they could have, I might be too late. Fuck, why did it have to be Minho? Can't they just take me? No, they want me to feel miserable.

"Your majesty, I think you should take a break." My advisor suggested it to me.

"I will not rest until I find Minho." I looked him in the eye. I know Minho is strong, he should be fine right? Nothing bad will happen to my baby right?

I really wanted to hug him right now, but I can't. Everything in this world is fucking against me.

"Chan we heard what happened.... Is Minho hyung really gone?" Felix asked, tears clung to his cheeks.

"I trusted you Gyu." I pointed to Beomgyu who just entered, completely ignoring Felix.

"I didn't know he was a part of them...." Beomgyu looked down, ashamed. He should be. I trusted him and now the love of my life is gone.

"Your majesty, the search party just reported back," My advisor, along with the guard I sent out, came back.

"So where is he?"

" I'm afraid they had already crossed the borders, your majesty." Mr.Park told me.

"Fuck!" I banged my fist on my desk, anger built up in my heart.

"Hyung I think you should calm down–"

"I'm not going to calm down Jeongin." I glared at him, he looked scared. "I'm sorry, I'm just really worried about him." I apologized feeling guilty

"It's okay hyung, Minho hyung will be alright." Jeongin reassured me as he held my shoulders looking me dead in the eye. He believed in Minho, and maybe I should too. 

Minho Pov:

My entire body was aching, every bump we ran over my ribs would be taking the hit. That was fucking painful. My mouth was tied around a cloth and my hands were behind my back held together by a rope.

I looked around me, we were in a forest and it seemed like we weren't taking the paved road feeling how bruised my torso is.

"Oh you're awake, do you want some water." I looked up to see Taehyun looking at me innocently. I couldn't say much since my voice was muffled by the cloth. It was pressing against the corners of my opened mouth. "Let me take that off you." He reached out to loosen the cloth around me, I moved my jaw for a bit finally feeling a bit free.

"Here, drink." He placed the cup against my lips. At first I hesitated, but my throat was dry. I drank a few sips before leaning away, letting a few drops land on my white dress shirt.

"We'll be in Varhn after a little while, so you won't feel too uncomfortable anymore." He smiled at me.

"Fuck you." I snapped. They put something in that water, my eyes felt heavy. And my thoughts were foggy. Was it some fucking sleeping—. My thoughts hadn't finished as I felt darkness wrap around me. Falling into a deep slumber.

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