Eleven - A Secret

253 19 13

Jeongin's Pov:

"Why'd you have to ruin the fun." Kai groaned. We were riding through the forest following the horse prints carved in the ground. It was getting late, the sky was in a dark blue bleeding into the pitch black of night.

"We have to stop here," I stopped my horse. I don't have time for this. I'm basically risking his and my life, but it's worth it, for Minho hyung. Right?

"Why, if we keep going–"

"Kai." I interrupted him. "It's risky right now, we can leave in the morning." I made sure to sound as strict as my voice would let me.

Kai didn't say anything back and just got off his horse, we set up a small fire and Kai decided to rest against a thick tree. I sighed sitting across from him watching the fire light up the small area. I had to stay awake, for the sake of keeping us alive I had to stay awake. There is only so much that could happen, so I stayed awake, watching the fire burn out. The pitch black sky only lit by the scattered stars, it was a crescent moon today.

Like a lonely moon, without its sun.

Seungmin's Pov

I've been in the library for hours, I had no idea what time it was. My servants had been bothering me for quite a while claiming I should sleep. I can't sleep. Not until I find that tattoo, I know I've seen it somewhere. I just can't remember where. There were tales about it when I was a kid, but all my memories were foggy, those times were years ago.

I dropped the book I was reading to the ground grabbing the next to start reading. I don't know how many books I've gotten through but they were long and fucking ancient. Most of them were written in a traditional language that was dropped hundreds of years ago. I flipped through pages of the book trying to find the same tattoo on Minho hyung. I kept flipping through pages until I finally came across it.

A black arrow with a devil's mark, but Minho didn't have the devil mark on his arm. I started reading through the long paragraphs of ancient writing.

The host who bears this tattoo is soon to be consumed by the devil himself. Once the full moon reaches the host will be completely taken over by the devil. His body turns to a pale shade of gray while his eyes glow in bright red. The

The only way known to man to stop this is by killing the host, pierced through the heart.

The devil mark appears on the day of a full moon.

"What the fuck...." I whispered, there's no way I'd kill Minho. Never. I shut the book and took it with me. I promised Minho I would tell him, but how? How could I tell him something like this? That's almost impossible.

I walked down the halls hiding the book hoping I wasn't too suspicious, though I probably was considering the stares I've earnt. I'll just hope no one speaks any of this to my father.

It was dark outside, the night sky blanketing the flat earth. I don't believe the earth is flat, no one has ever fallen off a large cliff of water. They've only been swallowed by the large aggressive sea waves the ocean bares.

— — —

It was daylight, there were no rays that tore through my curtains. I got up quickly, not sparing any time. I had to go tell Minho what I found. By the time I had reached his room, the door was half open. I waited right next to the door trying to listen to the conversation going on.

"You need to eat," It as Taehyun.

"I'm not eating anything from here so drop it." Minho snapped in annoyance. He didn't sound very happy. Preventing any more conflict to happen I rushed into the room.

"You can leave Tae, I'll take care of it." I took the tray from him setting it on Minho's nightstand.

"Are you–"

"I'm sure, you can leave now."

"Alright your highness." He bowed before closing the door leaving. I heard his footsteps faint away.

"Good morning," I greeted him with a smile on my face."

"Hi," Minho responded, quickly falling down on the bed covering himself with the blanket.

"I found something on your tattoo." I spoke, trying my best to let an emotion slip on my face. Minho immediately rose, making me chuckle, but this was serious. "I'll tell you if you eat." Minho opened his mouth to say something but he immediately shut it. I handed him the medium sized tray laying it on his legs. Once he took his first bite he gestured to me to start speaking.

I didn't beat around the bush and directly told him.

"You're cursed."



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