Chapter Fifty Six

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Turtles pulled an orange bandana from his backpack and a pair of nunchucks. He looked up at Mike Tyson who nodded encouragingly. Slowly Turtles tied the bandana across his face and felt the magic and sudden desire for pizza flow through him. He faced Mike Tyson, gripping his weapon securely. The nunchucks vibrated in his hand, their power flowing through his palm and up his arm. Turtles felt a surge of a confidence he never felt before and he turned from the muscular man and faced the mayo soaked beast.

Mike Tyson walked forward, standing beside the brave Turtles and placed a meaty hand on his shoulder. "Let'th fuck thith bitchhh up," Mike Tyson prompted lisply. Turtles gripped the nunchuck tighter and spoke in a low, threatening tone.

"Cowabunga," Turtles responded grimly before charging towards Potato.

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