Chapter 1

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It was another day at Zoo Phoenix Academy. The students were there to learn and the teachers were there to teach. Jackson's life was different than the others.

Everyday, Jackson suffers because of a curse he had when he was born. Day after day, he was always unlucky. But today, things would change for our character.

Jack wasn't feeling like practicing with his friends. He had a really bad headache because he couldn't get enough sleep last night. At that moment, Zill walked towards Jack with a worried look on his face.

Zill: Jack? Are you okay?

Jack: I'm okay. I'm just feeling horrible today.

Zill: What's wrong?

Jack: I didn't get enough sleep last night. Now, I have a bad headache.

Zill: On the bright side, you can rest at home after practice today.

Jack: You're right. I just hope Damian doesn't make my headache worse.

Damian: Well well. If it isn't everyone's favorite wannabe chameleon.

Zill: Damian, back off. Jack's having a terrible day.

Damian: Come on Zill. Don't be like that. I was just flying by to see what the commotion was about.

Jack: Well, I have a bad headache. Leave me alone.

Damian: Jackson, don't be such a party pooper. The headache will go away soon.

Zill: Damian, you're not helping.

Damian turned away from Jack and faced Zill.

Damian: Not you too Zill. Why do you have to be like that?

Jack got up and left the theatre. Doing this allowed him to stay away from the drama.

Jack: I can't stand this shit anymore. I can't stand my curse and them anymore. God, I hope this headache goes away.

Jack wasn't aware that someone was watching him. The figure teleported away from the academy and thought about all the times Jack suffered.

???: You poor soul. I wish I could just help you.

The figure thought of how it can help Jackson in its own way. Then, an idea struck its head.

???: I got it. Since I can't use my power anymore, I can make deal with Jack. I can offer a chance to get rid of his curse and immortality, but he has to have my power. Why didn't I think of this before?

The figure was lucky nobody could see it. After all, the figure was a ghost that could let people control their body, but grant them their power. As soon as Jackson left the academy, the figure made itself known to Jack only.

???: Hello Jackson. It's nice to meet you.

Jack: Who are you and how do you know my name?

???: Oh sorry. How terrible of me. My name is Orion.

Jack: Nice to meet you Orion. Now, about how you know my name.

Orion: Right. I've looked through your memories and it broke my heart to see you like this.

Jack lowered his head in sadness. Orion lifted Jack's head up.

Orion: Today is your lucky day. If you accept my power, I will erase your curse and immortality like you never had it.

Jack's eyes widened when Orion said this. He looked at his hands realizing this must have been a one time offer.

Orion: No, this isn't a one time offer. I have telepathy so that's how I knew what you were thinking.

Jack: If I do want this power, what do I have to do?

Orion: Simple. Just say 'Orion, Orion, Orion. I beg for your power. Please accept my wish.'. That's all you have to do.

Jack: That's all I have to do?

Orion: Wanna make it more difficult?

Jack: No, I'm just asking.

Orion: I'm just messing with you. Yeah, that's all you have to do. It's as easy like zipping a zipper.

Jack: Okay. Well, I have a bad headache right now. Can I wait until tomorrow to give you an answer?

Orion: Yeah sure. Don't worry. Will you remember what you have to say if you want my power?

Jack: Don't worry. I'll remember.

Orion: Okay. But, I will tell you this. Since I have contacted you, I will be with you.

Jack: Does anything happen if you're with me?

Orion: While I'm with you, I will negate your curse. That means when I'm around, your bad luck curse won't be a pain in the ass. You'll still have your immortality though.

Jack: Okay. Thank you.

Orion: No problem. I'll be in your mind by the way.

Orion then went inside Jacks mind and Jack hoped that Orion wasn't lying.

Jack: Okay. Prepare for a journey back home with pain.

Zoophobia: A Jackals RevengeWhere stories live. Discover now