Chapter 5

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Jack stopped feeling the power inside his veins. He saved himself from falling and got on one of his knees. Orion reached out to Jack and he got up.

Orion: You okay Jack?

Jack: I'm okay. I just feel a little weak is all.

Orion: Don't worry. You'll feel better in a couple of minutes.

Jack: I'm glad to know it won't last a long time.

Jack realized he forgot about this alarm.

Orion: Don't worry about your alarm. I unplugged it so no need to worry.

Jack: Thank you. I just remembered about it.

Orion: Be glad that your curse isn't around anymore.

Jack: So, I'm not immortal anymore.

Orion: Nope. I kept my promise just like I said.

Jack: Okay. Well, I guess let's head to school then.

Orion went back inside Jacks mind and he started walking to the academy. He had thought about all the times that his curse would get the best of him. Now, it's not there anymore.

Jack sighed as he took a look back at all the times he isolated himself from his friends. He didn't want them to get hurt. Now, he had no worries.

After a couple of minutes of walking, he arrived at the academy. He prayed that this day wouldn't be bad. As soon as he walked through the doors, he saw Autumn in front of him.

Autumn: Morning Jack.

Jack: Good morning Autumn.

Autumn: Did you get a good night sleep?

Jack: Yeah. I have got enough sleep last night.

Autumn: I heard you had a bad headache yesterday.

Jack: Yeah. I didn't get enough sleep that night. Now, I'm feeling better.

Autumn: That's good.

Jack and Autumn walked towards their first class of the day. Autumn noticed something going on, but decided to talk about it later. Jack stayed silent not long until Autumn spoke up.

Autumn: Hey Jack. I want to ask you a question at our third class.

Jack: You don't wanna ask it now?

Autumn: I think its best to wait till later.

Jack: Okay. See you then.

Autumn: See you later.

Jack and Autumn went their separate ways. Jack wasn't paying attention and bumped into someone. He bumped into Cameron who was his guidance counselor.

Jack got up and reached his arm out towards Cameron.

Jack: I'm sorry Cameron. You okay?

Cameron: I'm okay Jack.

Cameron grabbed Jack's hand and he helped her get back up.

Jack: I didn't pay attention to where I was going. Sorry.

Cameron: It's okay Jack. Please watch where your going.

Jack: I will. Bye Cameron.

Cameron: See you later Jack.

Jack continued walking to his first class. He arrived and saw Damian at his seat. Damian noticed him and smiled.

Jack ignored it and sat at his seat. Damian tapped Jack in the shoulder and Jack looked at him.

Jack: What do you want Damian?

Damian: Whats wrong Jack? Your curse get the best of you?

Jack: Not now Damian.

Damian: Come on Jack. Lighten up.

Jack: Stop it.

Damian: Jack. I'm not annoying you.

Jack: Shut up! Can you just shut up for once?!

Damian was shocked as his cousin never yelled at him. He ears went down and he had a look of sadness on his face.

Damian: Jack. Listen to me.

Jack: No. You listen. I am sick and tired of you always finding time to poke fun at me because of my curse.

Damian: Jack. Please.

Jack: You wanna know something? There have been times where I wished I was never born at all because of one curse.

Damian: I'm sorry.

Jack: Now you feel sorry? Now you feel bad? I don't wanna be a part of this family anymore. Thanks a lot Damian.

Zill walked in the classroom.

Zill: Hey Jack. What's wrong with Damian?

Jack: I yelled at him and now he's sad.

Zill: What did you yell at him about?

Jack: It's about how he poked fun at me because of my curse.

Zill didn't know what to say after what he heard.

Zill: You snapped at your cousin?

Jack: Yeah.

Zill: You've never done that before.

Jack: I don't wanna talk about it. I'm not in the mood right now.

Zill: Okay. I'll leave you to it.

Zill walked to his seat and sat down. He looked at Damian and patted his back.

Zill: I'm sure he didn't mean it.

Damian: I've been bullying Jack for a while.

Zill: I know. But, I'm sure that you can change for you and Jack's future.

Damian: I don't know Zill.

Zoophobia: A Jackals RevengeWhere stories live. Discover now