Chapter 39

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The third class ended and it was time to head to lunch. Luckily, Jack had Autumn's, Rusty's, and his lunch. He always kept the lunch in a small bag.

Jack, Autumn, and Rusty walked out of the class and headed outside.

Jack: I'm glad it's lunch time.

Rusty: Tell me about it.

While they were walking to their class, Jack managed to avoid bumping into Cameron.

Jack: I'm sorry Ms Cameron. I almost didn't see you there.

Cameron: It's okay Jack. I was actually looking for you.

Jack: For what reason?

Cameron: You have an appointment with me after school tomorrow.

Jack: I never scheduled one.

Cameron: Well, Zech thought you needed one.

Jack: Tell him I said thank you.

Cameron: I will. See you tomorrow Jack.

Jack: See ya.

They continued their walk to their eating spot.

Autumn: Why would Zech schedule you an appointment with Ms Cameron?

Jack: I don't know. I should probably ask him before I head to the drama theatre today.

Rusty: Don't you ever get bored there Jack?

Jack: No. Why do you ask that?

Rusty: All you guys do is practice your songs.

Jack: You don't know how to play an instrument?

Rusty: I never was a guy who could play music.

Jack: It's alright. Not everyone can play music. All I do is pay the drums.

Autumn: I bet you would be a good singer Jack.

Jack: A man can dream after all.

They arrived at their eating spot and sat down. Jack handed them their sandwiches and Jack decided to introduce them to someone.

Jack: I want to introduce you guys to the person that removed my curse and immortality.

Orion showed up and Jack, Autumn, and Rusty could see him.

Orion: Hello there. You must be Autumn and Rusty.

Autumn: Are you a ghost?

Orion: No. I'm actually a spirit that is now a part of Jack.

Rusty: I didn't think spirits were real. This moment proved me wrong.

Orion: Yeah. They are real.

Rusty: Who were you before you died?

Orion: I was the most powerful villain in the whole world. Eventually, I sacrificed myself to save someone.

Autumn: You died as a hero?

Orion: Yeah. I realized I could do more with my life than be a villain.

Rusty: Who was this person that you saved?

Orion: The person was a friend of mine.

While they were talking, Jack noticed Zill, Kayla, Vanexa, and Spam looking at him.

Zill: Why is he sitting over there and not here with us?

Vanexa: I don't know. I do miss him eating with us.

Spam: Me too. His smile always made me smile back.

Kayla: I wish he was here with us.

Damian appeared at their table and sat next to Kayla. She hugged him and he hugged back.

Damian: What's going on?

Kayla: Jack is sitting over there.

Spam: I don't know why he isn't sitting with us.

Damian: I should talk to him about it.

Zill: Don't. Let's let him eat where he wants to eat.

Damian: Okay. It's just you guys are his friends.

Kayla: I know.

Kayla patted him on the head and kissed him on the cheek. Damian blushed and Zill noticed.

Zill: It looks like someone is getting attached to you.

Damian: Yeah. Hey Spam.

Spam: Yeah.

Damian: How is your relationship with Vanexa going?

Vanexa: It's actually nice being with him. He's such a a fluffy and adorable guy.

Spam blushed and Vanexa giggled.

Spam: You didn't need to say that.

Vanexa: It's true. Not to mention how soft he is.

Spam blushed even more and Vanexa kissed his cheek. Spam's face turned red and Vanexa hugged him.

Vanexa: I'm sorry Spam. I just love you so much.

Spam: I love you too but you can't just make me blush tomato red like that.

Vanexa: I can't help that you are adorable.

Spam took a deep breath in and out and the redness disappeared. Vanexa smirked and Spam hugged her. She hugged back and Damian smiled.

Damian: You two are adorable together.

Vanexa: Thank you.

Back with Jack, Autumn was trying to get his attention. He sighed and kissed Jack on the cheek. Jack looked at Autumn and touched his cheek.

Jack: What was that for?

Autumn: I was trying to get your attention.

Jack: Sorry.

Autumn: It's okay.

Orion: I see what's going on here. You two are dating Jack.

Rusty: Yeah. Autumn also had a crush on Jack.

Autumn: He's right.

Orion: Well, I'm a little surprised at this.

Zoophobia: A Jackals RevengeWhere stories live. Discover now