Chapter 36

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Jack, Rusty, and Autumn continued talking while walking to the academy. Autumn seemed to be blushing whenever Jack smiled at him. Rusty noticed but didn't say anything.

Jack: Do you guys have anything planned after school today?

Autumn: I have to help Ruben with his homework.

Rusty: I'm sorry if I'm not smart.

Jack: You might be smart, but you so adorable.

Rusty blushed a little and smiled at Jack. Jack petted Rusty's head and smiled back. Autumn got jealous and looked at Jack.

Jack looked at Autumn and saw the look of jealousy. He chuckled and walked towards Autumn. He patted Autumn's head and had his hand on his shoulder.

Jack: Don't worry Autumn. I won't leave you hanging.

Autumn didn't say anything and just blushed.

Autumn: Sorry. I was just jealous.

Jack: I can tell by that look on your face.

Rusty: It's clear you have a crush on him. Don't deny it.

Autumn: I know I do.

Jack, Rusty, and Autumn arrived at the academy. Jack sighed and Rusty an Autumn noticed.

Rusty: You okay Jack?

Jack: I'm fine. I just wanna get this day over  with.

Autumn: Stay strong.

Jack: I'll try.

They all headed to the entrance and Jack opened the door. They all headed to their classes, but decided to stay together until they arrived at their classes.

Jack: So, I guess this is how my life will be now.

Autumn: What do you mean?

Jack: I mean, I will have two boyfriends somewhere in the future.

Autumn: I thought you were dating Rusty.

Jack: I am, but I'm not sure if I can handle you guys.

Rusty: Do you mean you're not sure if you can handle the both of us?

Jack: Yeah. That's what I mean.

Rusty: Oh Jack. I can assure you that we will go easy on you.

Jack: Oh boy. What did I get myself into?

Rusty: You got yourself into us being eoth you. That's what.

Autumn: There's no need to be like that.

Jack: I'm sorry. It's just I never thought I would have you guys dating me.

Autumn: I can promise you that you will be fine.

Rusty saw his class ahead and decided to do something before he left.

Rusty: My class is ahead.

Rusty kissed Jack on the lips and ran to his class. Jack didn't expect the kiss and just smiled. Autumn giggled and Jack rubbed the back of his head.

Autumn: Heh. I guess he has changed.

Jack: Yeah. He went from being a bully to being a lovey dovey.

Autumn giggled and patted Jack's head.

Autumn: Why do you have to be so adorable?

Jack: I didn't choose this look.

Autumn: I know. I just wanted to tease you.

Jack: I know.

Autumn then saw his class and they both stopped.

Jack: Well, this is your class.

Autumn: Yeah. I better get going. I'll see you at third class.

Jack: I'll see you too.

Autumn kissed Jack on the lips, but Jack returned the kiss. They both stopped kissing after a few seconds.

Autumn: Wow. That kiss was amazing. You are a natural at it.

Jack: Thank you. Your kiss was good too.

Autumn giggled at the compliment. He turned around and winked at Jack. He slightly moved his hips side to side.

Autumn: You're gonna miss this are you?

Jack: I admit that I will.

Autumn walked in the class and waved at Jack. Jack waved back and headed to his class. When Jack arrived, Zill and Damian couldn't be found.

Jack sat at his seat and sighed. Just then, Damian walked through the door with Zill behind him. They sat at their seats.

Zill: Hey Jack. How was your morning?

Jack: It was nice. Rusty wanted to spend the night at my house last night.

Damian: You guys slept together didn't you?

Jack: Yeah. Well, something interesting happened today.

Zill: What would that be?

Jack: I found out Autumn like me.

Damian: Hold on. Do you mean the brown deer that Rusty calls his brother?

Jack: Yeah.

Damian: You are also dating Autumn?

Jack: Yeah. I think I got myself in a lot of trouble.

Zill: Dude. You should be thankful.

Jack: You never had two boyfriends before Zill. It's just I don't know if I can handle that much love from those two.

Damian: You mean they are lovey dovey now?

Jack: Yeah. That's what I mean.

Damian: You are one lucky guy.

Jack: I don't know if I should be glad about that.

Zoophobia: A Jackals RevengeWhere stories live. Discover now