Chapter 7

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Damian was heading to his next class. While walking, he thought about how much of a bully he was to Jack. He had a look of regret in his face.

While walking, he was stopped by Addison who had the same class as him.

Addison: Hi Damian.

Damian kept on looking down at the ground.

Addison: What's wrong? Did Kayla run away from you again?

Damian: It's not that. You remember Jack?

Addison: Yeah. He's a nice guy.

Damian: He snapped at me because I always found a way to ruin his day.

Addison: He yelled at you?

Damian: Yeah. I realize now that I feel bad for what I did.

Addison: Damian, listen. You still have a chance to make it up.

Damian: Maybe with Zill and the others, but not Jack. I've picked on him a lot.

Addison: I'm sure he will forgive you eventually.

Damian: I hope you're right.

Addison: So, are you gonna try to ask Kayla on a date?

Damian: No. I gave that up. She doesn't want me around her.

Addison: It's gonna be okay Damian. I'm sure things will get better.

Damian: I hope so.

They both arrived at class and noticed Sahara was at her seat. They both got to their seats and sat down. Sahara noticed Damian wasn't himself today.

Sahara: Is everything okay Damian?

Addison: Jack snapped at him because he was picking on Jack a lot.

Sahara: I'm sorry for what happened.

Damian: It was all my fault anyway.

Addison: Why would you pick on Jack?

Damian: He stopped hanging out with me and I was left alone at the house.

Sahara: You're not alone now. You have us.

Damian: I know. I just want to apologize to Jack for being a bully to him.

Addison: I think you should wait till later to do that.

Damian: Yeah. You're right.

Fabian walked in the room and noticed Damian had his head on his desk. He walked to his desk and patted Damian on his shoulder. Damian lifted his head up.

Fabian: Is everything okay Damian?

Damian: I'm just having a bad day.

Fabian: Wanna talk to Zechariah about it?

Damian: I guess.

Fabian: Okay. How about you stay there for the rest of the day?

Damian: Really? You'll let me?

Fabian: Yes. I'll let him know you're on the way.

Damian: Thank you sir.

Fabian: You're welcome Damian.

Damian was glad Zech's office was close to the drama theatre. He walked to his office and noticed Zill and Rusty leaving the nurse's office.

He decided to keep walking and Zill noticed him.

Zill: Damian? What's wrong?

Damian: I'm just having a bad day. I don't wanna talk about it.

Zill: Okay. Where are you headed?

Damian: Zech's office. Fabian wants me to stay there for the rest of the day.

Damian looked at Rusty and noticed he had a bandage on his chest.

Damian: What happened to you?

Rusty: I got hit by Jack.

Damian: Wait, Jack hit you? I never knew he would fight back.

Zill: It just happened out of nowhere. He walked up to him and tanked Rusty's puch like nothing.

Damian: Well, does his chest hurt?

Rusty: No. I can still breathe without my chest hurting.

Damian: I hope it gets better.

Rusty: Thanks. See you later.

Damian: See you two later.

Rusty and Zill continued walking and Zill looked at Rusty.

Zill: You sure you're okay Rusty?

Rusty: Yeah. Besides, why do you care? I've made fun of Jack a lot.

Zill: You weren't doing it just because.

Rusty: Okay. I'll tell you, but please keep it a secret.

Zill: You have my word.

Rusty whispered in Zill ear and Zill was surprised. Rusty looked down at the ground thinking Zill would think of him differently.

Zill: Don't worry. I won't tell Jack. Rather, you have to tell him yourself.

Rusty: Maybe one day. But, not today.

Zill: Okay. Till then, I'll stay quiet.

Rusty: Thank you.

They both continued walking to their class. Damian arrived at Zech's office and knocked on the door.

Zech: Come on in Damian.

Damian opened the door and started down on the chair in front of his desk.

Zech: Cameron is busy at the moment. That's why you're in here with me.

Damian: Okay.

Zech: So, why have you been having a bad day?

Damian: I've been thinking about how much of a terrible person I was to Jack.

Zech: Is there a specific reason why?

Damian: Jack snapped at me.

A tear fell down Damian's face.

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