Chapter 4

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It was 8:45 pm meaning it was time for bed. Jack got in his bedroom and was finally happy. He was feeling sleepy half the day.

Jack closed the bedroom door and got in bed. He put the covers over himself and turned off the light next to him. He closed his eyes and wondered how tomorrow would go.

After a few minutes, Jack was in his dream. He saw an endless field of green grass and flowers. The sky was blue and the clouds were white.

Then, Orion teleported next to him when Jack laid down. Orion laid down on the grass too.

Jack: Oh hey Orion.

Orion: Hi Jack. Love what I've done with your dream?

Jack: You can manipulate dreams? That's amazing.

Orion: That is cool. But, it's gonna be sad.

Jack: That I won't have your dream manipulation?

Orion: Yeah. When I give you my powers, they will be the powers I had before I died.

Jack: That's okay. After all, you are getting rid of my immortality and curse.

Orion: Yeah. One thing. What do you think of your mom?

Jack: She's been kind and caring. I don't know why you ask that.

Orion: I think it's best if I show you. Close your eyes.

Jack closed his eyes and Orion touched his head. He saw the memories in which he suffered. Then, a memory showed of which his mother was begging for Lucifers help.

Jack opened up his eyes and got off his back. He was confused and he looked at Orion.

Jack: I don't understand. What is this memory trying to say?

Orion: I think it's best if you ask Lucifer. He knows.

Jack: You're not just gonna tell me? Are you serious?

Orion: I think it's best if he tells you. But, yeah I am serious.

Jack: Okay. I'll ask him after school tomorrow. I might even threaten to kill someone.

Orion: You won't actually kill someone right?

Jack: No. Only if someone deserves to die.

Orion: Okay. At least you won't go too far.

Jack: I'm not some serial killer. I have standards.

Orion: That's good. I'm glad you do.

Orion decided it was time for Jack to leave his dream. He got up and reached his arm out to Jack. He grabbed his hand and sighed.

Jack: It's that time. Well, it was fun while it lasted.

Orion: Yeah. On the bright side, I'm not going anywhere.

Jack: That's true. Well, see you tomorrow then.

Orion: Goodnight and I'll see you tomorrow too.

Jack woke up and looked at the time. It was 7:15 am and he had 5 minutes before his alarm went off. Orion flew out of his mind and took a look at the time.

Orion: Oh right. Forgot about that.

Jack: That if you control my dream, time will speed up in the real world.

Orion: Look at you. You're one smart kid.

Jack was lucky he took a shower last night. He got up and went to the bathroom. He brushed his teeth and hoped this day wouldn't go bad.

Jack went to the living room and noticed a letter. The letter read:

Dear Jack.
I had to wake up early this morning because of an important business meeting.
I hope you have a good day at school.
Love Mindy.

Jack tore up the paper and threw it in the trash. He put on his backpack and remembered about the suitcase. He went to get it and grabbed the mask and the gun.

Orion: Hey. There's a leather coat and a fedora hat in the closet too.

Jack: Okay.

He noticed the coat and hat and grabbed them both. He folded it like it was some laundry and put it in his backpack. He grabbed the hat and also put it in the backpack.

Orion: I saw you covering the gun with the coat.

Jack: The academy has some technology that can detect weapons. It's weak against leather.

Orion: Look at you. Thinking before you act. I like that.

Jack: I've known about that for a while. I never thought I had the opportunity today.

Orion: You do now.

Jack walked out of the house and closed the door. He stepped out of the front porch and walked on the grass. Orion left Jacks mind and Jack knew it.

Jack: Do I have to say what you told me to say?

Orion: No.

Orion put his finger on Jacks head and Jack felt the power flowing through him.

Zoophobia: A Jackals RevengeWhere stories live. Discover now