Chapter 28

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Jack and the others were done with the songs. Autumn, Zill, and Rusty cheered for them.

Autumn: Good job guys.

Zill: You all did good.

Rusty: I agree.

Jack, his friends, and Damian left the stage. They got their stuff and headed home.

Jack: Good job you guys. You all did good out there.

Spam: Thanks Jack. You did good too.

Jack: Thank you, but I just did the drumming. If anyone deserves the praise, it's you guys.

Vanexa: You were a part of it, so it's only fair to praise you too.

Jack: Ok. I accept the praise, but you guys did most of it. Especially Damian and Kayla. They were good at singing together.

Damian: Thanks Jack. Me and Kayla do make a good duo after all.

Kayla: You're right on that Damian. I glad we're together.

Damian: Agreed.

They left the academy and decided to go their separate ways.

Autumn: Hey Jack. Is it okay if you walk with us today?

Jack: I don't mind.

Rusty: Yes.

Autumn: We'll see you guys later.

Zill, Kayla, Damian, Spam, and Vanexa: Bye.

Jack wanted back at them and smiled. Rusty blushed at Jack and Autumn noticed.

Autumn: You can't get him out of your mind huh?

Rusty: I can't. Sorry if that's bothering you.

Autumn: You don't need to apologize. Besides, I can't blame you.

Jack: Are you guys taking about me?

Autumn: Rusty can't get you out of his head.

Jack: Heh. I thought you would after that kiss. I guess you want more.

Rusty: No.

Jack: Don't lie to me.

Autumn: He does. I guess he's just embarrassed.

Jack: Really now. Oh Rusty. There's no need to be embarrassed. There's gay couples in Safe Haven.

Rusty: Oh. I forgot.

Jack: You want to kiss again?

Rusty: Yeah.

Jack grabbed Rusty's hips and kissed him on the lips. Rusty placed one of his hands on Jack's face. The two stopped and Rusty blushed.

They let each h other go and they continued walking with Autumn. After a few minutes, they arrived back at their house.

Autumn: Thanks for walking with us Jack.

Jack: No problem. You guys have a good day.

Rusty: Wait Jack.

Jack: What is it?

Rusty: The drawing that Autumn mentioned during lunch is the same one I have in my backpack.

Jack: How long has it been in there?

Rusty: For a couple of days.

Rusty reached into his backpack and took out the drawing. He blushed tomato red and looked away. Jack looked at the drawing and blushed.

Jack put down the paper and smirked. He put his am hand on Rusty's face and moved it towards him.

Jack: So, this is how you want our relationship to be?

Rusty nodded his head and Jack kissed his cheek. Jack handed back the drawing to Rusty and he put it back in his backpack. Jack winked and Rusty smiled before heading in the house.

Jack walked back home and it would take a couple of minutes. While heading back, he heard a voice calling out to him. He saw someone wearing a red hoodie and decided to check it out.

Jack stopped when he was a foot away.

?: Hey Jack. It's been a while.

Jack: Do I know you?

?: Of course you don't. Then again, we barely talked to each other.

The figure took off the hoodie revealing himself to be a demon wolf with black eyes and red pupils. Jack had to think for a moment because he didn't know who he was.

Jack: Can you give me a hint as to who you are?

?: I was Jill's boyfriend.

Jack: Wait a minute. Drake? Is that you?

Drake: How have you been?

Jack: Why are a demon? I'm not saying you shouldn't be.

Drake: I died a couple of months ago. I managed to escape.

Jack: How did you escape?

Drake: Some person wearing a coat, mask, and a hat left through a portal. I decided to follow who it was, but I lost them.

Jack: That was me Drake.

Drake: You were the one that launched the attack on hell? Why?

Jack: I needed a distraction while I was getting answers. Apparently, I was sad with what I got.

Drake: What did you want to know?

Jack: Lucifer said my mom was the one who made me have that curse before, but I don't have it anymore. My immortality is gone too.

Drake: I'm glad your they're gone. You deserved a better life.

Jack: Thanks Drake. I appreciate it.

Zoophobia: A Jackals RevengeWhere stories live. Discover now