Chapter 15

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Back with Jack, he was walking back home with the fact he knew Zechariah would call his mom. Orion left Jack's soul and decided to talk to him

Earlier, Jack took off the coat, hat, and the mask and put them in his backpack. The gun was in one of the coat pockets.

Orion: You believe Zech did call your mom about what happened earlier today?

Jack: Yeah. I just feel bad for hurting Rusty today. I'm surprised he still had a crush on me after that.

Orion: Well, I think it's because he couldn't blame you. He has been bullying you for a while.

Jack: I know, but I do feel bad.

Orion: Look, it was the only way for him to stop.

Jack: Okay. You're right.

Jack and Orion noticed his mom's car at the house.

Jack: Oh god. He did tell her.

Orion: I wish you the best of luck, Jack.

Jack: Yeah. I'm gonna need it.

Orion went back in Jack's mind and Jack sighed. He put his hand on the door knob and took a deep breath in. He breathed out slowly so he could relax.

When he opened the door, he saw his mother waiting for him on the couch. He walked in the house and closed the door. Mindy was looking at him with a disappointed look.

Mindy: I can't believe you would hurt a student Jack.

Jack: I know what I did was bad, but I had a reason.

Jack headed to his bedroom, but Mindy stopped him.

Mindy: Where are you going?

Jack: To my room. I need to think for a minute.

Mindy: No you're not. Zech called me and said you hurt a student earlier today. I had to go home early just to talk to you.

Jack continued to walk to his bedroom. Mindy grabbed his arm and pulled him away.

Mindy: What do you have to say for yourself young man?

Jack felt angry at his mom. He never did before, so it was a first. He grabbed the table with one hand and fltit over.

Mindy was shocked at Jack's behavior. She never saw her son act like that.

Jack: What do I have to say? Well, I have been through hell for 17 years and every single day was pain. I thought I did something in my past life to deserve to be cursed.

Mindy took a few steps back and Jack stepped around the table. He picked the table back up and looked at his mom.

Jack: You know, i felt like my own family hated me. I thought I wasn't worth the trouble.

Mindy: Jack, I'm sorry.

Jack realized what Mindy said and scratched his head.

Jack: Listen to me. I'm tired of how I've been seen as a bad luck charm. I am done with this family.

He then walked towards him room and didn't look back. He opened his bedroom door and looked at his mom's face of regret. He didn't pay much attention and just shut the door.

Jack walked towards the bed and sat down. He has a lot going through his mind and Orion sat down on the bed next to him. He put his hand around Jack's shoulder.

Jack: Why did she have that look on her face? It's as if she knows something I don't.

Orion: It's because she does. But, I think she doesn't have the courage to say it.

Jack: It's probably because she doesn't want to get yelled at by me.

Orion: I guess that the reason.

Then, Jack was getting a call. The person calling him was Damian. He sighed and wanted to get it over with.

Jack: Hello Damian.

Damian: Hi cousin. How are you?

Jack: I almost got into an argument with my mom. So, what do you want?

Damian: I just wanted to call you to see how you were doing. I was told that you got in trouble.

Jack: Believe me. I'm doing just fine.

Damian: Before I hang up, did you hear from your friends that Zill broke up with Kayla?

Jack: No. What happened after that?

Damian: Well, me and her are dating now.

Jack: Really now? Good job for you.

Damian: Thanks Jack. I'll let you go. I just wanted to see how you were doing. Talk to you later.

Jack: Bye Damian.

Jack hung up and put his phone on the desk next to his bed. He laid down on the bed and wondered what else waited for him today.

Zoophobia: A Jackals RevengeWhere stories live. Discover now