Chapter 41

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It was finally the end of the school day. Zill, Kayla, and Jack left the class. Before Jack could head to Zechs office, he was stopped by Kayla.

Kayla: Are gonna head to the drama theatre Jack?

Jack: Not this time.

Zill: Is everything okay Jack?

Jack: I'm okay. I just don't feel like going to the drama theatre today.

Zill: Okay. Well, I'll let the others know.

Jack: I'll see you two tomorrow.

Kayla: Bye Jack.

Zill: See ya later Jack.

Jack began walking to Zechs office and sighed. He looked back at Kayla and Zill and then back to where he was walking. He just didn't feel like hanging out with his friends today.

Jack: I'm surprised they didn't stop me.

Jack arrived at Zechs office and knocked on the door.

Zechariah: Come on.

Jack opened the door and walked in but didn't close the door.

Zech: Hello Jack. What do you need?

Jack: Cameron told me you scheduled me an appointment with her.

Zech: That's because you actually missed the appointment from Wednesday.

Jack: I didn't know I had an appointment yesterday.

Zech: It's okay. You probably wasn't told about it.

Jack: That's probably it.

Zech: Is everything okay Jack?

Jack: I'm just tired is all.

Zech: Did you get enough sleep?

Jack: I did. Maybe I just need a little nap and I'll be okay.

Zech: Okay then.

Jack: Well, I'm gonna head home.

Zech: You're not gonna be with your friends at the drama theatre today?

Jack: I don't feel like going there today.

Zech: Okay. You make sure you get that nap. I'll see you later Jack.

Jack: You too. Take care.

Zech: I will. You do the same.

Jack: I will.

Jack walked out of the office and closed the door. He began walking home and hoped that he would be able to get a good nap when he gets home.

Jack: I really need a nap. I don't know why I feel tired.

Orion: You're actually tired?

Jack: Yeah. For some reason, I feel tired.

Orion: You know you can teleport right?

Jack: Oh right. Sorry.

Jack realized he should wait until he left the academy to teleport to his house. He arrived the academy exits and walked out. He took a deep breath in and out.

Jack teleported to his house and he arrived in the living room. He laid down on the couch and put a blanket over him. He decided to sleep for an hour.

He closed his eyes and began to dream. He was dreaming of him, Rusty, and Autumn laying down on a bed of flowers.

Rusty: You don't know know how much I love you Jack.

Jack: You love me a lot. I'll tell you that.

Autumn: I love you Jack.

Jack: I love the both of you.

Jack kissed Autumn and Rusty on their cheeks. Rusty's and Autumn giggled and hugged Jack. Jack woke up and got up from the couch.

He decided to head to his room and decided to take a nap there instead. He arrived at his room but he heard a knock from the door. He teleported to the door and unlocked it.

He opened the door and saw Autumn.

Autumn: Hi Jack.

Jack: Hy Autumn. Did Rusty tell you my address?

Autumn: He did. I figured I would stop by and visit you. Maybe I could even spend the night with you.

Jack: You're more than welcome to spend the night if you like.

Autumn hugged Jack and smiled. He stopped hugging him.

Autumn: Thank you Jack.

Jack: You're welcome.

Autumn: I forgot how soft your fur was.

Jack: Heh. Do you wanna come inside?

Autumn: I would love to.

Jack let Autumn in the house and he walked in. Jack closed the door and locked it. He headed to his room and Autumn followed.

Jack opened the door to his room and they both walked in.

Autumn: This is a nice room you have.

Jack: Thank you.

Jack closed the door and walked to his bed. He sat down and decided to lay down. Autumn noticed and smirked at Jack.

Autumn: Someone's enjoying themselves.

Jack: Yeah. I'm tired.

Autumn walked over to Jack's bed and laid down on him. His head was on Jack's chest and he giggled.

Autumn: You have no idea how much I wanted this.

Jack: I can tell you wanted this a lot.

Autumn: True. You are soft after all.

Jack: Thank you. You're handsome yourself.

Autumn: You are too Jack.

Zoophobia: A Jackals RevengeWhere stories live. Discover now