Chapter 27

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Spam: Hold on. You and Jack are dating?

Rusty: Yeah. He even carried me to the drama theatre.

Jack: Something tells me that we are gonna be the spotlight couple for a while.

Vanexa: Can't argue with that.

Rusty: What about you two?

Spam: We are dating too.

Rusty: Congrats. I'm glad you finally got your dream girl.

Spam: Thank you.

Vanexa: So, where's Kayla, Zill, and Damian?

Jack: Autumn said they were getting their stuff. I don't know where Damian is.

Spam: Maybe we can sit down while they're on their way here.

Spam and Vanexa sat next to each other. She put her head on his shoulder and he kissed her head.

Vanexa: I am so lucky.

Spam blushed and looked away before he felt a hand on his head. Vanexa kissed Spam on the cheek and he blushed even more.

Vanexa: You are so adorable.

Spam: Please. There's no need to do all that.

Vanexa: You know you like it.

Spam didn't say anything at the time. He slowly nodded his head and she giggled. The door opened and Damian had a smile on his face.

Damian: Hey guys.

Spam: Hi Damian.

Vanexa: Hi.

Damian: So, how were your classes?

Jack: Pretty normal for me. Probably the same for everyone else.

Autumn: Yeah. Other than the fact that Jack and Rusty are now a popular couple.

Damian: I knew that from the start. I had a feeling that they'd gain popularity.

Jack: I did too. Well, there's no way to stop that now. I mean, they already knew about us dating after first period.

Rusty: I knew too cause of all the stares we've been getting.

The door opened again and they saw Kayla and Zill.

Damian: Hey you two.

Kayla jumped towards Damian and they  hugged each other.

Kayla: Hi Damian.

Damian: Hey Kayla. I guess you missed me.

Kayla: We don't have any classes together and it's sad.

Damian: I wish we did. We could have spent more time together that way.

Zill: Look at you two lovebirds.

Jack: So, the gang's all here now. Are we gonna continue with our songs?

Zill: If you guys want to. I mean, we can just talk about how everyone has been doing.

Autumn: That's up to you guys.

Spam: I guess we can play a couple of songs for today. I promised Vanexa I would go with her to the library.

Zill: I have to pay a visit to someone.

Damian: I told Kayla earlier today I would introduce her to my mom and dad.

Jack: Poor Rusty has to do his homework with Autumn helping him.

Autumn: I figured he wouldn't need help by now.

Rusty: Come on. Give me a break.

Autumn: You somehow manage to pass a test even though you don't study for it.

Jack: Really? He doesn't?

Rusty: Nah. I don't know how that works.

Jack: Maybe you actually do study, but just don't want to admit it.

Rusty: You got me. I do study.

Autumn: I knew it. I knew something was off when I found out you pass your tests or quizzes, but you said you don't study. There's no way that's possible.

Rusty: Okay. You caught me red handed.

Jack: Why didn't you just tell the truth?

Rusty: I didn't want you to call me a nerd.

Jack: I'm not gonna call you that.

Rusty: You won't call me a nerd?

Jack: No I won't. I don't wanna embarrass you.

Damian flew towards the stage and looked at his friends.

Damian: Are you guys gonna play the songs or not?

Zill: Just a second. Alright guys, let's get this over with.

Spam: You sound like you don't wanna do this.

Zill: I'm just tired. I don't plan on visiting anyone.

Jack: Well, you sit down somewhere. We got this.

Zill: Thanks Jack. Are you sure you'll be okay?

Jack: I'll be fine. Don't worry.

Jack went down to the stage with Kayla, Spam, and Vanexa. Zill sat down at a seat and rubbed his eyes.

Rusty: You okay Zill?

Zill: I'm just tired. Other than that, I'm okay.

Autumn: Why didn't you stay home today?

Zill: I don't know, but I've been tired the entire day.

Rusty: Hopefully, you don't over sleep when you get home.

Zill: I hope not.

Everyone except Rusty, Autumn, and Zill were on the stage. Damian was with Kayla at the paino.

Jack: Hey Damian. You gonna be singing with Kayla?

Damian: Yeah.

Jack: Alright guys. Let's do this.

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