Chapter 14

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Damian: Can you repeat that? I need to make sure I heard what I heard.

Kayla: I said you'll be my new boyfriend.

Damian: Uh. Listen, I don't think I'm a perfect match for you.

Kayla: I think otherwise. You see, I actually did have a crush on you. I just couldn't admit it because I was with Zill.

Damian: So, now you are able to be with me.

Kayla: Yes. That's correct.

Damian: Ok. I guess I'll be your new boyfriend.

Kayla: Thank you. You have no idea how long I waited for this.

Damian: Probably a long time.

Jackie: That's so sweet. I'm glad you two are able to get along now.

Zill put his head down and decided to head home. He was headed towards the exit when Damian stopped him. Zill looked up and saw him blocking his way.

Zill: Are you here to laugh at me?

Damian: No. I need to know why you broke up with Kayla.

Zill: Okay. I felt like our relationship wasn't going anywhere. Another reason is I felt like Kayla was tired of being with me.

Spam: What makes you say that?

Zill: Anytime we hang out, Kayla was always being left out. I guess she knows how Jack feels.

Vanexa: So, you barely talk to her? Some boyfriend you are.

Zill: I know, but I wanted a good reason to break up with her. It was to make sure her new boyfriend won't treat her like I did.

Damian: Did you know she had a crush on me?

Zill: I did. She was always staring at you from a distance whenever she saw you. I even saw some drawings of you and her.

Damian: I didn't know you could draw Kayla.

Kayla: I've been doing it since I was 9 years old.

Damian put his hand on Zill's shoulder and patted it. He flew back to Kayla and she hugged him.

Kayla: I forgive you Zill.

Zill: Really? After what I did?

Damian: Yeah. You wanted Kayla to be with someone better, so she got what she wanted.

Zill: Thank you guys. I guess we better head home then.

Spam: Well, me and Vanexa are hanging out.

Damian: See you all tomorrow. Need me to bring you home Kayla?

Kayla: Yes please.

Damian made a portal leading to Kayla's house. She went through and looked at Damian. Kayla winked at him and he waved bye.

Damian then changed the portal to where it led to his house. He went through the portal and it closed.

At Kayla's house, she walked in the living room and put down her backpack. She noticed her mom and dad were waiting for her. She sat down on the couch between them.

Kayla's dad: How was school honey?

Kayla: It was good. So, what's going on?

Kayla's mom: Well, we got a call from Jack's mom and she said Zill has been cheating on you.

Kayla: I know. Zill told me in person. Remember when I was taking about Damian?

Kayla's mom: Yes we do.

Kayla: Me and him are together.

Kayla's dad: I'm glad to know you're with someone who would love you. But, didn't you say he was half demon?

Kayla: Yes he is. I know we're christians, but he's not a bad person.

Kayla's dad: How can we trust him?

Kayla's mom: Honey, at least just give Damian a chance. We don't know how his behavior is.

Kayla's dad: I don't know. I don't trust any other boy after Zill broke my daughters heart.

Kayla: Come on dad. I promise you he's a good person.

Kayla's dad sighed and realized it was no use arguing.

Kayla's dad: Okay then. If you say he's a good person, I'll believe it.

Kayla: Yes. Thank you dad.

Kayla went to her room and her parents waited till she got em to her room. When she closed the door, her mom sighed.

Kayla's dad: What's wrong honey?

Kayla's mom: Jackson's mom called and said Jack got in trouble at the academy.

Kayla's dad: Jack got in trouble? For what reason?

Kayla's mom: He was beating up a kid who he claimed was his bully.

Kayla's dad: At that point, I wouldn't get mad. I would be happy that Jack fought back.

Kayla's mom: I know he deserved a punishment, but Jack didn't have to hurt him.

Kayla's dad: How else would he learn? The kid has gotten in trouble a lot.

Kayla's mom: You may be right.

Zoophobia: A Jackals RevengeWhere stories live. Discover now