"Wanna pair up?" (ThadXUzi)

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Despite not having muscles that needed to be worked on- or calories that should be burned off- PE was a required lesson on every student drones timetable.

Uzi hated most lessons, especially lessons where you had to work with other people, but PE lessons where you had to pair up? Those were hell.

For one thing, she literally was never picked, normally having to settle for an unhappy group that mocked her as they excised, but more majorly was the uniform. Which was more of a personal preference than a pairing up issue.

The PE uniform for female drones was a plain white top that and to cover shoulders and stomach (unless you were a cheerleader), and tight orange shorts that were supposed to be knee length- but every girl had theirs halfway above their thighs.

Except Uzi. She had worn the same pair of shorts for years now, partly because she barely grew, and partly because she couldn't be bothered to go outside and hunt for new ones.

Somehow Uzi managed to avoid getting dress coded, but always felt unsafe in the PE hall, and without a group of friends to hid in- she was alone against the creeps of her class.

I should just get new shorts- even though these ones technically cover more than Lizzy's- creeps just see me as an easier target.

Anxiously Uzi lined up, aware of the boy next to her snickering down at her butt. The teacher told everyone to pair up and Uzi waited for her classmates to finish so she could take who was left.
Suddenly a hand grabbed her shoulder "Uzi! Wanna pair up?"

Uzi turned and saw Thad standing next to her grinning. She blushed purple and the rest of the class instantly started mumbling.
Why would a popular boy ask to pair up with the class freak?

Scared, but keen, Uzi nodded and let Thad lead her to the corner of the hall. Purposefully pretending not to hear the whispers of his classmates.

"Okay, so we're meant to start just throwing and catching- mind if I go first?" Thad asked the still stunned Uzi.
She nodded and prepared for Thad to throw the ball in her face- like everyone else forced to pair up with her did. Instead it landed smoothly in her hands, leading her to let out a slight gasp "Woah! Smooth!"

Thad blushed green and rubbed the back of his head while mumbling about basketball practice.

Uzi and Thad continued with the warm ups and basics drills until the teacher announced an early end to the class. Which made everyone except Uzi cheer, for once she was enjoying PE.
Though it was more watching Thad she enjoyed than actually playing sports.

The two drones walked out of the hall together, as the changing rooms were a few doors down the hallway. As they walked with the rest of the class, Thad and Uzi joked about pairing up for more stuff, though they both secretly hoped it wasn't a joke.

Just before Uzi could step inside the girls changing room, leaving Thad to walk to the boys. She felt a hand on her butt, slapping it-

She turned to see the snickering boy from earlier now grinning wildly at her. Hands in the air playfully- as if this was a joke. Noticing how pissed she was, the boy laughed "Don't worry I wouldn't do anything- you're like a 5 at best- though if you're offering I'd-"

The boy wasn't able to finish his sentence as a fist crashed into his visor, causing a small crack on the screen. The creep stumbled and the small crowd of students in the hallway got out their phones to film the scene.

Why? Because sweet Thad, the nicest of the popular kids and friend to pretty much all workers, had just broken his classmates visor. Uzi gasped at Thad's raged face, half expecting an X to appear on his visor he was so angry. Hearing the gasp snapped Thad out of his rage as he looked at Uzi, "N's been teaching me self defence stuff, I don't like how defenceless we workers are"

God damn it he's even hotter than normal right now.

Uzi turned purple and nodded aggressively, Thad noticed her blush and smiled lightly. He stepped towards her to see if she was okay but was stopped as Uzi grabbed his shirt and pulled him in for a kiss.

Ignoring the gasps of their classmates, and the sound of pictures being taken, Thad kissed Uzi back, letting her lead.

They stopped to breathe and Thad smirked. Uzi, realising what she'd just done, panicked. "BITE ME!" She screamed at nobody in particular while Thad continued to grin.
Lizzy smiled as well and lowered her camera "I'm sure our class gentleman Thad would be happy to help if biting is what your into"

This time both Thad and Uzi got flustered. Looking at each other one last time before Uzi stormed off to get changed.

When she was done and left the changing room, she found Thad waiting outside. He was leaning against a locker confidently, but Uzi could see the green blush displayed on his visor. She smiled gently and walked towards him, trying to look as confident as he was pretending to be.

At the sight of Uzi back in her angsty teen outfit, Thad grinned again. "I was wondering if you'd like to come over tonight? we could watch a film or play some games" he asked, unable to resist looking Uzi up and down as he did.

Uzi noticed him staring at grinned back, grabbing his shirt again and pulling him close to her face. Thad blushed again but stayed smiling, waiting for what Uzi would do now. The angsty teen mumbled something to herself before sighing at Thad "Mind helping me hunt for new shorts partner?" Her voice was sweet, but had a tone of command.

Thad flushed even greener somehow, but keenly nodded "Sure".

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