I need attention Part 2

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N looked over the small silver ring V had found, it didn't have a gem or anything, but was engraved with vine patterns and the letter 'U' where the gem would be.

Humans didn't have many names beginning with U- in fact it was also pretty rare for drones- so finding a ring like this was incredible...V had really done well.

"V! Thank you! You have no idea how perfect this is!" N chirped, the ring was tiny in his hands, but he had already sworn to protect it with his life. V smirked and gave him a loose hug "Yeah well- don't lose it buddy, you need next week to go perfect".

Next week was Uzi and N's second anniversary of dating, part of the reason N was in a rush to find the ring was because he wanted to propose on the night, he planned to make it as special as possible for Uzi. Though he wasn't sure exactly what kind of proposal she'd like- she always claimed to hate corny romantic stuff yet blushed whenever he did corny romantic stuff.

V read N's mind and smiled "N, Uzi loves you, as long as it's you getting down on one knee she'll say yes".

The future fiancé was currently pacing around her & N's bedroom, since she'd read V's text her core was spinning much faster, and everytime N said anything she'd prepare for the moment.

He wouldn't just propose in the living room- STOP PANICKING!

But she couldn't stop. Uzi was terrified- not because she didn't want to marry N- of course she wanted to marry N! Who wouldn't?!?

She was worried about failing, what if she wasn't a good wife? What if she didn't look good in a wedding dress? Would N still love her if she wasn't a good mother to their hypothetical kids? Would he love her to death do them part?

As Uzi considered her many questions, she heard the front door opening, she swallowed and went downstairs to see N grinning at her.

He probably picked up the ring from V today..he's not doing it tonight right? GOD WHAT IF HE'S DOING IT NOW?

"Uzi! Can I kiss you quick?" N chirped, sounding even perkier than usual. Uzi smirked "You don't have to ask N- we're dating- remember?"

N smiled again and scooped Uzi up into his arms bridal style, though she noticed he was protective over his jacket pocket. After gently kissing Uzi's forehead N felt yellow blush overtake his visor, "Speaking of dating, I've been planning a surprise for our anniversary, something extra special", he sounded nervous.

Oh he is definitely proposing-

Uzi nuzzled her head into the crook of N's neck, "I'm sure it will go great".

As far as N knew, Uzi had no idea about the proposal, so he continued to be nervous for the next week. He, V and J planned intensely for how they wanted the proposal to go, N wanted it to be something truly special.

Uzi woke up around 7pm on the anniversary as per her new sleep schedule to find N gone, she smiled when spotting the small card on his bedside, it had a doodle on the envelope of N and Uzi holding hands.

Here goes-

Scooting over to N's side, Uzi read the card anxiously, wondering if N was going to ask straight away in the card.

Dear Uzi

I love you! Happy anniversary- I can't believe it's been two whole years- every day with you goes by so quick it's hard to believe time passes. I've planned something special I hope you'll like today- but if you don't no pressure- and first you need to look at the present I left downstairs (:

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