MD Vampire AU Finale Part 2

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"So it's what we thought?" Khan clarified, still on J's back as they flew away from the colony. J nodded, confirming what they both knew "Yep, they're not exactly alive- but Tessa and Nori left behind a piece that we need to recover- either we can revive them or put them to rest".

Both adults went quiet in thought, the idea of bringing back their lovers filled them both with insurmountable joy, but there was no clue to how long they'd last- or whether or not they'd prefer to be put to rest.

Would Nori be like a half human? Half here and half ghost? Would she like that?

Khan couldn't imagine seeing Nori again in person, hearing her voice was overwhelming on its own. Seeing her would probably give him a deadly heart attack. J had similar thoughts, wondering if her human lover would be the same despite everything. Neither Khan or J ever really planned on moving on, both becoming content with the idea of finishing life unloved, now the question was out in the open again.

"If Nori asks to be put to rest...would you do it?" J nervously asked, trying to gauge whether or not Khan had the same view as her. "Yes" Khan replied sharply, making J jolt a bit in surprise, that was quick- she expected some degree of thought or hesitation.

Khan sighed at J's shock and explained "I love Nori, and every day without her I become less and less of myself, but if she wants to pass on- then she can pass on- I love her that much".

J was quiet again. Khan had a point, letting Nori rest would be a kindness, allowing her to be set free and rest eternally. Would Tessa like the same path? Being free to enter the darkness with the rest of Earth's humans? Leaving J behind all over again?

"I...don't know if I could be so kind to my lover" J admitted, a selfish part of her wanted Tessa back regardless of how the human felt, curled in her arms- gently plaiting her pigtails like she used to. Way before any of this, before Cyn began to bite.

Khan sympathised with J, petting her head slightly as the vampire flew lower, "She'd forgive you" Khan blankly stated.

Back in the bunker, N and Uzi had taken their babies home, now sitting in the master bedroom playing around with their beloved twins. N was gently tossing Sunny up and down, almost wrestling with the newborn while they both giggled, Sunny's spiked tail threatened to cause damage or hurt someone- but N ignored it as he gave his baby a raspberry on the stomach.

Uzi had Luna leaning up, according to J vampire babies were immediately more capable than human babies after birth, so she felt safe to play peak a boo with her daughter while she lent against the bed frame. Making the young baby cry whenever 'mummy' disappeared and smile when she reappeared.

Luna's smile actually kinda looks more like a grimace...did I give birth to an angsty baby?

Despite being confused by the amount of attitude her baby already seemed to have, Uzi simply turned her attention back to N, silently signalling she was tired. They hadn't been home long, but in Uzi's defence she pushed out twins less than 48 hours ago.

N immediately sat up and took Luna from Uzi, kissing his girlfriend on the forehead before carrying his babies to their cribs, letting Uzi finally sigh and lay back on the mattress. She had babies, she had N, she was home.

Yet something kept nagging at her. Was it the fact she was suddenly a mum and had no clue what she was doing? No. Was it how suspiciously angsty Luna looked? No...

It was the fact that she didn't know what came next. Uzi had her children, she had the love of her life, a new large extended family for her children to grow up what came next? Even Doll was back to normal- Lizzy was watching over her- so that was finished. There wasn't much else to complete.

Murder Drones Oneshots (mostly Nuzi)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang