MD Vampire AU Finale Part 1

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It was time. After months of pain and confusion for every single vampire involved- it finally happened.
Uzi's water broke. She spent hours attempting to push out each twin while in labour- both eventually being brought into the world alive and healthy- a small girl and a slightly chubbier boy.

" did it..." N mumbled, cradling his new miniature daughter in one arm, she was barely the size of his bicep. N could feel tears racing down his face as he held her- she had the same dusty tan skin as her mother- but had stark white hair even brighter than his.

They had their little Luna.

Uzi was still lying flat on her hospital bed, clearly exhausted from the amount of pain she endured in labour (though N did share some of it), but she too was cradling a baby. A chubby pale skinned boy to be specific- his hair was black and curly, which Uzi confirmed was how her hair was naturally, and his eyes were golden like his father's.

He was their little Sunny.

"Sunny really looks like you aside from the hair" Uzi claimed, tears welling up as she analysed her baby boy, she finally had the babies she'd been craving. N smiled brighter, the amount of joy of Uzi's face was everything he needed to feel complete. He could see in her eyes the amount of love she had for her babies, and N would eternally be grateful for the joy they brought her.

Even if they hate me, even if they hurt people, I will always remember the amount of joy they brought their mother.

Khan was standing next to N, tears in his eyes as he admired his grandchildren, they were so small and sweet- they reminded him of when Uzi was born. Though Uzi was born even smaller than Luna, so small that Nori barely had to push at all.

"I love you N" Uzi mumbled, still admiring her young son in a trance, eyes glazed from tears as she cradled him gently. N grinned and lent closer to Uzi, allowing her to see her miniature daughter up close, making Uzi sob louder from how beautiful she was, Luna was perfect. Sunny was perfect.

The beautiful family moment ended as the ward door opened, revealing an eager looking V and excited seeming Thad. "BABIES!!!" V yelled, making Luna twitch and Sunny whine in their sleep, Uzi just laughed and held out Sunny to his godmother.

"Dang dude- if this kid had white hair he'd be your twin" Thad remarked, looking at the young boy who already resembled his father in full. N laughed and proudly showed off Luna- who was awake and seemed to be glaring at everyone. "That's definitely Uzi's kid" V joked, making everyone except Uzi chuckle.

J came in a moment later and was offered to hold the twins, she rejected gracefully, opting to admire them from the way she was standing instead. They truly were beautiful babies- both had glistening eyes and shiny faces- both seemed to rest peacefully in their parent's arms. "The son is definitely a vampire- but it's a bit hard to tell with the daughter" J explained, earning nods from N and Uzi.

Since the room was getting busy, Thad and V decided to leave to give the actual family some space, opting to head back to Thad's apartment.

There was a not-so mysterious silence as they headed back, V trying not to say what she wanted to say while Thad planned how to bring up that he already knew. Her hints of wanting a baby had only got more and more obvious- if V spelled it out anymore than she'd have to wear a shirt patterned 'I WANT A BABY THAD'.

Still, Thad refused to break a promise to his deceased mother, his little siblings reminded him of that everyday. They didn't live at home for the sake of Thad's father, since he couldn't take care of 9 kids alone and all aside from Thad resembled their mother, his deceased wife.

They reached Thad's apartment, and V was noticeably shaking with need, she desperately wanted a baby. Seeing how happy Uzi and N were with their babies just made her more convinced. Surely Thad would want that? At least at some point?

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